twenty three

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me: chris!

me: have you heard the drama between noora and my dog?

me: i meant william*

christoffer: well yeah..

me: i feel bad for noora omg

me: my bestie cant stop crying :(

christoffer: william is an asshole tho

me: do you know what happened?

me: noora wont tell me anything..

christoffer: i know what happened

christoffer: but i think its not my place to spread it to people.

me: christoffer, i'm noora's bestfriend and william is my friend too.

christoffer: i know that

christoffer: but still

me: aight tru

christoffer: but i'll tell you one thing

me: okay

christoffer: but promise me anything

me: what?

christoffer: promise me that you wont tell it to anyone

me: okay sure

christoffer: even to noora?

me: oh my god christoffer!

christoffer: promise?

me: goddammit! just say it!

christoffer: william might move to london...

christoffer: with his dad.

me: i will say william is a douchebag but i dont know what happened.

christoffer: william is my bestfriend but i agree. he is a douchebag, he really is.

christoffer: but he's still gonna attend noora's graduation.

me: thank god.

me: beside noora's friends, william is the only one who's left for her :(

me: i wish they can just knock it off and fuck each other again

christoffer: its a big problem tho..

christoffer: like really big...

christoffer: i'm in william's apartment right now.

me: is my dog okay?

christoffer: he's being a drama queen

christoffer: AND HE'S REALLY DRUNK

christoffer: i have to take care of his drunk ass now

christoffer: wish me luck

christoffer: :(

me: goodluck with that :(

me: i wish things like these wont happen to us.

christoffer: oh my god same

me: i don't know what i will do without you

christoffer: same eva.

me: i love you.

me: so much.

messages; chris schistad & eva mohnWhere stories live. Discover now