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christoffer is calling you on facetime...

"hey chris." i greeted him as i answer the call.

my face turns into confusion when i didn't see chris holding the phone. but it was a girl instead.

a cute little girl.

the little girl was running and laughing and i can hear christoffer's yelling at the background.

"tina!" chris yelled and i chuckled when i see her face turning into a nervous one, nervous that chris might take his phone back.

"no chris! i'm talking to her!" tina said in a cute voice and i smiled.

she turned into other direction and i see her closed the door as she breathe heavily.

"finally." she says catching her breath.

"did you hide from him?" i raised my eyebrows smiling.

"shhh." she hush me as she put her index finger in front of her mouth. "yes, i'm hiding from him." she whispered but i can still hear her.

"i'm tina, by the way." she smiled.

"hello tina." i said in a baby voice "i'm eva."

"i know, you are christoffer's girlfriend." she raised her eyebrows up and down and i dramatically gasp.

"i'm not!" i exclaimed.

she looks at me with a frown and i immediately feel bad, i could have just tell her that i'm chris' girlfriend even though we're not official yet.

"you're not?" she asked and i slowly nodded my head. "chris always talks about you." she informed me.

"that's cute." i cheekily smiled at the camera. "how old are you, tina?"

"i'm 5 years old. turning 6 next month." she smiled proudly.

"am i invited to your party?" i asked her and she smiled.

"of course! you're the first in my list."

i just met tina and i immediately know she's a sweet little girl.

"i always ask chris if i can meet you but he doesn't want me to meet you." she said with sadness laced in her voice.

"tina!" i hear christoffer yelled again and i laughed.

"eva." tina said in a soft voice. "don't be too loud. he's looking for me." she says.

"sorry." i chuckled. "but don't worry. we'll meet soon." i whispered.

"chris is right, my sister-in-law is beautiful." she said sweetly.

"oh my god." i hide my face. i'm glad that chris isn't with her cause he'll see how much i'm blushing right now. "thank you tina, my sister-in-law is adorable and beautiful too." i complimented her.

"christina! if you don't come out soon, i won't buy you ice cream!" chris yelled again and tina widen her eyes when she heard chris mentioned ice cream.

she's so cute.

"ice cream?" she yelled. "i'm coming christoffer!" she continued and started running again.

she passed the phone to christoffer and he gave me a shy smile. "sorry about her, eva." he says rolling his eyes playfully to tina.

"no, its okay." i smiled. "your little sister is adorable."

"you're a liar, christoffer." tina said in the background.

"i'm a liar?" chris pointed to himself. "i promise i'll buy you ice cream, i'm just gonna talk with eva for a second."

"no. you said she's your girlfriend?" chris widen his eyes. "she told me she's not your girlfriend."

"yet." i said and chris immediately looks at me through the phone.

"yet?" chris asked with a smile.

"yeah, yet."

"just ask her to be your girlfriend!" tina whispered yell to chris.

"i can hear you!" i laughed.

"well.." chris trailed off.

"i know this is not the right way to ask you but do you want to be my girlfriend, eva?" chris blushed. tina started chanting 'yes.' and i laughed.

"of course christoffer, i would love to be your girlfriend." i smiled.

messages; chris schistad & eva mohnWhere stories live. Discover now