twenty two

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the sound of our groans and moans was all that we can hear as i rock myself back and forth on top of him as my fingers tugs at his hair and him, sucking on my neck.

his hands slowly slips underneath my shirt and he grips my waist and i moan. i smirk as i feel something hard from where i sit and i continue to grind on him.

"oh eva." he moans on my neck as his hands started moving up slowly from my waist to my chest.

my body is shivering as his warm hands suddenly pressed to my boobs and he squeezed it.

"hmm." he mumbled while he continued to squeezed my boobs in both of his hands. his face is still hiding on my neck but i can feel him smiling. "these are soft and squishy." christoffer look up at me with a cheeky smile on his face.

"chr-chris." i stuttered as i closed my eyes. my fingers stops tugging on his hair and i drop my hands at the back of his neck.

i reconnect my lips with his and i yelped as i feel him pinched my nipple.

"chris." i laughed and i playfully slap his hand that is resting on my chest. "don't be like that."

"hmm, sorry." chris swap our position and i'm now laying on my bed as chris straddle me.

he was about to strip my shirt when we heard a knock at the door.

"chris?" tina yelled outside my room. "you said you will take me on the ice cream shop?!" the little girl started whining outside and chris groaned.

i pushed chris off of me and i straightened my shirt before opening the door.

"eva." tina scans my face and she knitted her eyebrows. "why did your face turned red? it weren't like that earlier."

i hear chris chokes on air behind me and i look at noora and eskild who were sitting at the living room with my eyes wide.

noora has a same reaction as me while eskild started laughing obnoxiously. noora got up and she stands behind tina and bent down on tina's level.

"oh tina, don't even ask." eskild butts in and i hide my face with my hands.

i feel christoffer's arm snakes around my waist and i lay my head on his chest as i hide my face and i heard him chuckle.

"tina, honey, chris and eva are gonna take you on the ice cream shop but can i brush your hair first?" noora softly said to tina and she nodded.

noora stand up and started pushing tina softly to the living room while she widen her eyes at chris and i.

"and also eva, you have a bruise on your neck." tina's softly voice said as she points to her neck and i quickly hides it.

"did chris pinched your neck?" she asked and eskild, noora and chris tried to hide their laughter.

oh i wish this kid doesn't ask to many questions.


o o p s, i'm sorry if i ever made you uncomfortable, just wanted to put a scene like that before this story ends and its my first time writing a scene like that and i'm lowkey cringing.

messages; chris schistad & eva mohnWhere stories live. Discover now