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"nooraaaaa." i whined at my best friend while dragging her name.

"evaaaaaa." she does the same to me and laughed.

"christoffer isn't texting me since last night." i complain and noora rolled her eyes as she open the door.

"eva, you already said that like a million times!" we walk on a bench and we took a seat on it.

"i know." i frowned. she took out her phone and started smiling.

"william said he's gonna pick us up." noora look up at me then back to her phone. "and he also said eskild is tagging along."

"why?" i asked furrowing my eyebrows.

eskild doesn't really tag along with us when william is picking us up from school so why would he now?

"i don't know." she smiled shrugging. "today is your day off right?" she asked and i nodded.

"where's the other girls?" i asked looking around.

"sana is busy with her biology subject, vilde is with magnus and chris said she doesn't feel well so she went home early." noora explained.

i know noora was talking about our chris, chris berg, but i can't help but shiver at the mention of a 'chris' name.

"noora?" i called her name smiling.

"what?" she asked. "do you need something?"

"yeah." i nodded and bited my lip.

"what is it?" she asked while tapping on her phone.

"can you tell me about christoffer?" she suddenly stop tapping on her phone and look at me slowly with her mouth open.

"do you like him?" she asked serious.

"i don't know, maybe. i mean i d-" i rambled but noora quickly interuppted me.

"you like him!" she exclaimed smiling.

"please don't tell him." i beg and she smiled cheekily at me.

"pleaseeeee." i held both of her hands and she nodded.

"jesus christ eva! i wouldn't!" she rolled her eyes playfully.

"now, can you tell me about him?"

"sorry best friend, i can't." she put her hands in surrender and i rolled my eyes.

"but christoffer is really nice, he's a good guy." noora said and my heart melts. "but that's all i can say. he would be mad at me and william."

i see william's fancy car and i stand up while noora look at me weirdly.

"where are you going?" she yelled as i walk through william's car. "are you mad at me?!"

"no bitch!" i yelled and laughed. i motion for william's car and she started to walk with me.

"hey bitches!" eskild yelled as we reached them and hug the both of us.

noora walked to william and started making out with him and eskild and i just stared at them.

"couples." i rolled my eyes and william gave me a middle finger.

"hey." i whispered to eskild. "you already saw christoffer, right?"

eskild smiled and nodded. "yup."

"can you tell me about him? i wanna know him more!" i said with a begging voice.

"what do you wanna know about him?" eskild asked.

"what does he look like?"

"oh, honey." eskild almost moan and i glared at him. "you're the most luckiest girl cause that guy likes you!" eskild overreacted.

"that guy is so hot!" he exclaimed and i hush him.

"what does he look like?" i repeat.

"uhm." eskild put his finger on his chin pretending to think. "he's fit but his height isn't that tall, he's just probably 5 inches taller than you." he said looking at the top of my head.

"he has a big mole here." eskild stop and pointed at his neck.

"ugh, its so difficult." eskild rolled his eyes and i laughed.

i look at the couple who were still making out and i scoff.

"uhm, what are we still doing here?" i asked.

"we're waiting for someone." william said and grab his phone. he looks around.

"oh, there he is." he looks behind me and i see eskild and noora smiled widely.

i look to my left and right and see girls whispering and staring behind me.

the others almost peed their pants.

i furrowed my eyebrows at three of my friends but they just smiled at me.

"hey cupcake." someone said from behind me and my heart beats fast.

holy fucking shit.

is this really happening right now?

there's only one person that calls me cupcake....

"its finally nice to meet you."

messages; chris schistad & eva mohnWhere stories live. Discover now