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"chris." i laughed as we sat at the back of his pick up truck. "stop." i said seriously trying to get him to stop wiping an icing on my face but failed when he suddenly shoves his hand full of icing on my whole face.

"you're annoying." i laughed and wipe my hand to my face and i do the same to his beautiful face.

"its beautiful, isn't it?" i asked as we stop laughing together and look at the sunrise.

"yeah." he replied and i turned to him and saw that he's looking at me while smiling. "its beautiful." he continued, still starring at me.

i gave him a smile and tap my finger on his nose, we both chuckled and look at the sun that is slowly rising.

we've been sitting at his car for a half hour now, just laughing, eating a cake, wiping an icing to each other faces, me laughing at christoffer's jokes and just being comfortable with each other.

we went on bowling a few hours ago, i found out that he was really good at it, he can even knocked the pins down even though he's not looking. of course, i lose and he always wins.

"you know," chris started and i quickly stop him. "finish that first, don't talk with your mouth full." he rolled his eyes playfully and finished chewing the food in his mouth.

"okay mom." he chuckles and stays quite for a second. "i always imagine being together with you." he suddenly said and i look at him.

he smiled at me and look somewhere while smiling. "just thinking about it makes me happy."

"i always imagine you and me just laying on my bed, just chilling, cuddling, kissing." he looks at me and i nodded. "and of course, fucking."

i gave him a glared and he laughed and puts his arm around my waist.

"way to ruin the moment, bitch."

"i'm just kidding." he continue to laugh as he rub circles on my back and i lay my head on his shoulder.

can i just stay here forever? with him?

"but it would obviously be fun." he added and i just nodded.


"i'm so lucky to have you, eva." he presses his lips to my hair and i closed my eyes and softly smile.

oh chris, only if you knew.

i think i'm the one who's lucky here.

what did i do to deserve him? to have a man like christoffer? a sweet, kind, caring and loving man.

"me too." i mumbled.

"when i first texted you, i was so nervous." he chuckled at the memory and i look up at him and i quickly press my lips to his.

chris didn't say anything, he just stared somewhere with widen eyes and i laughed and playfully shove his face.

"fucking hell, eva." he curse and looks at me with the same expression.

"have you not kissed a girl before?" i rolled my eyes.

"i wasn't expecting it, holy shit." he said and started smiling really big.

"i was so nervous to kiss you in the first place because i thought you'll be mad and never talk to me again." he admit. "but shit, eva. you were the one who kissed me first. my life is complete."

i smiled and kissed him again and this time, he kissed back and it was a slow and passionate kiss.

i pulled back and lay my head on his shoulder again.

"thank you." i said to him.

"for what?" he knitted his eyebrows together.

"for making me happy." i said simply. "for surprising me, always cheering me up, for doing these things." i smiled at the memories that i made with him. "i honestly couldn't ask for more."

"did i made you forgot about your favorite show for a moment?" he asked.

"shit." i quickly said and sit properly.

"i totally forgot about it." i put my hands to my head and grab my phone.

christoffer makes me forget about everything, my problems, and even my favorite show.

my phone ding and i received a text from my best friend.

"its too early for noora to text me." i said as i look at the time.

i nervously open the message and a tear rolled down from my eyes to my cheek.

"eva?" i can hear the worry in christoffer's voice. "what happened? why are you crying?" he stresses.

noora: eva.... the last clip just dropped and your favorite ship isn't endgame...

noora: i hope you're okay.

noora: and sorry for spoiling you.. oops

noora: peace.

noora: eva??????

noora: you're probably still sleeping lol

noora: but i know you'll stay up because its the last clip

noora: i just came into your room and there's no one there????

noora: where the fuck are you????

me: i'm with christoffer.

noora: oh, enjoy fucking each other bestie ;)

me: not today, bitch.

noora: i was just kidding, ugly.

i closed my phone and sniffles. chris stroked my hair and hugs me.

"that show obviously means so much to you." he muttered.

"its okay, eva."

"i'm not crying because it ended. i'm obviously sad because it ended. but the thing that made me cry that my ship isn't endgame."

messages; chris schistad & eva mohnWhere stories live. Discover now