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i slowly turned around and a guy stood in front of me. its like the world stop for a moment.

i can't move, hell i can't even breathe for a second.

the guy was wearing a simple black shirt that fits his body and a black skinny jeans and a snapback.

his height is just a few inches taller than me.

i notice a big mole on his neck and i remembered what eskild told me just a few seconds ago.

"eva! aren't you gonna say something?!" i heard someone said but i just ignored it.

its him.

he's real and he's standing right in front of me and smiling like an idiot to me.

i slowly brought my hand to his cheek and touch it.

"you're real." i whispered and he nodded still smiling.

"yes, eva. i'm real." he chuckled and he tuck my hair behind my ear.

"we finally met." christoffer said still smiling at me. he touch my hand that is laying on his cheek.

i playfully slap his cheek and he winced dramatically.

"ouch!" he yelled. "what was that for?!"

"i hate you for not texting me last night!" i exclaimed and hug him tight. he puts his arm around me and started rubbing his thumb on my back.

eskild was right when he said that christoffer is hot.

and he smells nice. i suddenly remembered the rose that he gave me along with the coffee. i guess he wasn't kidding when he told me that he sprayed his perfume on it.

"woah, cupcake." he chuckled and i can feel the vibration to his body as he talk. "i wanted to surprise you."

"i'm sorry for not texting you last night." he apologize.

i look up at him and saw that he's looking down at me while smiling.

"fuck it." i said "i can't believe this is happening." i added as i hug him tight again.

"me too, eva, me too." he mumbled.

"i can't believe that the girl of my dreams is standing in front of me and talking to me." he said and i felt him presses his lips to my hair.

"you're amazing." i said to him.

he was about to say something when we heard someone scoff.

i pulled away from christoffer and i see a girl standing beside us with a happy smile on her face.

"chris, hey!" the girl beamed and christoffer returned the smile.

i look at the three of my friends who were standing behind me and i see them smiling also. noora gave me a thumbs up and i laughed.

i'm so blessed to have a friends like them.

"can i take a picture with you?" the girl blushed as she asked christoffer that question.

chris looks at me then to the girl. "uhm, i'm sorry, but i don't think that's a good idea because i just met thi-"

my smile quickly faded and i interrupt him. "no, no, no. that's completely fine with me."

the girl gave me a soft smile and i walk to her to grab the phone from her to take a picture.

wow, christoffer is really famous.

how come i didn't know him before?

they smiled at the camera while i just clicked and clicked on the phone.

"thank you so much!" the girl smiled at me then to christoffer. i hand the phone to her and she started walking away from us with a smile on her face.

"how come there's girls that are taking picture with chris and not me?" william asked pouting.

"that's because you're ugly." i joke while i playfully rolled my eyes at him.

"i told you man, she's mean to me." william turn to chris.

"shut up, william. i still like her." christoffer replied to him and i felt myself blushing.

"where do you guys want to eat?" noora asked.

"you guys choose." i shrug and they nodded.

"we'll just follow you." chris said.

"where's your car?" i asked chris once we started walking.

he wrapss his other arm around my waist and he pointed on a car that was parking outside the school.

"where are you going?" i heard noora said and chris and i turned around.

"with chris." eskild answered and i laughed.

"no." noora pulled eskild back. "you're going with us." she added.

noora look at us and gave us a smile.

"enjoy!" she shouted.

"oh don't worry, noora." christoffer laughed. "we'll definitely enjoy it." chris winked to me.

"oh, lord." i muttered.

messages; chris schistad & eva mohnWhere stories live. Discover now