twenty six

980 44 19

christoffer's car suddenly stop, meaning we're already at their house. i breathe heavily and chris looks at me with a worried expression written on his face.

"eva, are you alright?" chris squeeze my thigh. "i told you i can tell them that you're busy if you do-" i put my index finger to his lips to make him shut up.

"i'm fine, chris." i assure him and he squeeze my thigh again. "really."

he lets go of my thigh and he holds my hand. "i love you." he said to me as he kisses my hand.

"i love you." i repeat what he said.

he smiled and started to unbuckle his seatbelt and i do the same. chris quickly gets out of the car and i see him run to my side to open my door.

"you don't have to." i chuckled

"only for you." he winks and laugh after.

christoffer ntertwined our fingers as we walk to their house.

there are a lot of cars to the street and i'm beggining to feel nervous. there's going to be a lot of people here. mostly christoffer's family.

"eva!" tina yelled as she ran to chris and i as soon as we open the door.

"hey cutie." i smiled as i pick her up.

"aren't you gonna greet me?" chris pouts beside me.

"chris," tina folds her arms together. "i literally just saw you a few minutes ago." she rolled her eyes and i laughed while chris gasp.

"where's momma?" chris asked tina.

"she's at the living room, talking with auntie julie." she replied.

"auntie julie?" chris knitted his eyebrows.

"yeah." tina nodded. "kylie is here too."

"she is?" chris sounds surprised and i'm beggining to feel nervous again.

"c'mon, lets go to my mom." chris said to me. i put tina on the floor again and hold her hand.

chris leads me to their living room and i can tell that he knows that i'm nervous again, my hands are sweating.

he squeeze my hands and gives me a smile as we stop walking.

"mom." chris said.

a middle again woman turned to chris and smiled. she looks beautiful. her face is a photocopy of tina.

she said something to her friend and she walks to us. "mom, this is eva, my girlfriend." i smiled to her as chris continues. "eva, this is my mom."

"its nice to meet you, ma'am." i let go of chris' hand for a moment to shake his mom's hand.

his mom just look at it but instead she engulfed me with a hug. i look christoffer and he has a cheeky grin on his face. and mouths me a "told you."

"its so nice to meet you, honey. chris wouldn't shut up about you." christoffer's mom joked and i look at chris again, his cheeky grin turns into a shy smile.

he's so cute.

christoffer's mom and i talked for a bit until chris excuse me from her mother and said he's going to introduce me to his father.

as we were making our way to christoffer's father, we bumped to a blonde girl and chris looks surprised when he saw her.

"chris, hey!" the girl said with a smile on her face.

she's beautiful, she has a blue eyes and a long blonde hair.

"hey, kylie." chris hesitate to greet her and i began to feel the awkwardness that's going on here.

"how are you?" kylie asked.

"i'm doing great, you?" chris replied with a smile.

to be honest, i'm getting annoyed because chris hasn't greet me to her, i mean i'm okay with them talking but they look really close. are they related or just friends?

she looks familiar though, i think i saw her before. oh shoot! yes! i remembered the picture that chris showed me when we were talking about him being bald. she was that girl.

i squeeze chris' hands and he suddenly looks at me, he lets go of my hand and he scratches his neck. "kylie, this is eva. eva this is kylie." he introduce.

i feel like he doesn't want to tell the girl that we're together. like he wasn't proud to say to her that i'm his girlfriend.

what the fuck is going on?

"hey eva." kylie waves at me and i just smiled.

chris nudges my side and i was close to rolling my eyes in front of her. good thing, i didn't.

"hi." i simply said.

kylie excuses herself to us and chris stares at her as she walks away.

"chris!" i heard tina's tiny voice yelled and chris continue to stare at kylie.

"its time for dinner!" tina said trying to get chris' attention.

"chris." i snap my fingers in front of his face.

"huh?" he asked completely lost.

what's with him? ever since we bumped to kylie, he was acting strange.

"its time for dinner." tina crosses her arms.

we go to the dining room and chris sat beside tina who took a seat beside her mother and i sit beside chris.

kylie and the woman who's with chris' mother earlier were sitted in front of us. i look at kylie and i saw her smiled at chris and i look at chris and he was doing the same too, i just look down on the plate and didn't say anything.

there's a man who were sitting in the center of the table and i'm assuming he's christoffer's father, i haven't properly greet him, maybe i will do later after we finish eating. he looks like christoffer though.

as we finished eating, chris and kylie was talking about something while i just sat beside him. i look around and saw a guy looking at me. he gave me a smile and i do the same.

i stand up and chris still hasn't notice me, i walk to tina and asked where's their bathroom. she told me the directions and i go to their bathroom to fix my face.

when i got out of the bathroom, i go back to the dining room and chris and kylie was nowhere to be found. and i'm beggining to feel anxious.

i go to tina and asked where's chris, she said that chris is talking to their father.

i didn't bother to ask where kylie is.

i told her that i'm just going to their yard for a moment to take some fresh air and she agreed.

"hey!" someone called as i was making my way outside.

"i'm cengiz, what's your name?" the guy earlier who was smiling at me asked.

"eva." i said as he walks with me to the yard.

"i was really-" cengiz said as we're already at the yard but got cut off when i gasp.

"chris?" i asked and a tear rolled down my face as i see my boyfriend's lips is pressed to another girl's lips.

chris quickly looks up and his eyes widen as he saw me, crying. "eva! i can explain."

his eyes turns to cengiz and i can tell he's getting angry.

"you don't need to." i said as i wipe my tears and walks away with them.

messages; chris schistad & eva mohnWhere stories live. Discover now