twenty five

911 47 6

christoffer: cupcake?

me: yes...?

christoffer: my family wants to meet you

me: WHAT

christoffer: is that okay with you?

christoffer: i mean its okay if you don't want to.

christoffer: i can tell them that you are busy

me: NO!

me: i want to

me: i just got nervous when i saw your message

me: i mean what if your parents doesn't like me?

christoffer: eva...

christoffer: of course they will like you.

christoffer: i mean they will LOVE you**

me: fine

christoffer: aight! get ready, i'll pick you up whenever ure ready



christoffer: well yeah

christoffer: i'm sorry if its a last minute thingy

me: ugh okay

i rub my hands together and groaned as noora finished reading my messages with chris.

"i'm so nervous." noora said.

i nervously chuckled. "why are you nervous?" i asked. "i think i am the one who's supposed to be nervous here." i added.

"you're not nervous?" my best friend asked.

"well... of course i am." i shrugged. "just trying to play it cool."

"can you ask william about christoffer's parents." i asked and my eyes suddenly widen when i remembered that noora and william aren't okay at the moment.

"i'm so-sorry, i-i for-" i stuttered but she quickly cut me of.

"no, no, its fine." she said shaking her head at me.

"are you sure?" i asked softly.

"eva, yes!" she chuckled. "we made up now." she continued.

"how is it?" i asked.

"he wanted to continue our relationship." she smiled and i let out a nervous sigh.

"thank god." she smiled and patted my bed, indicating that i should sit next to her.

"noora, can i ask you something?" she nodded.

"what happened." she shift uncomfortably.

"its okay if you don't want to-"

"no, its fine, i'll tell you." she smiled. "you're my best friend."

"i'm pregnant." she let out a breath and smiled.

i gasp and gave her a hug. "noora, oh my god! i'm so happy for you!" she laughed and hug me back.

"thank you."

"what did william said?" i asked.

"he wasn't okay with it at first, he wanted me to kill the baby, of course i wouldn't do that." she frowned. "i'll raise the baby by myself if he doesn't want it."

"we will." i corrected her and she smiled.

"and finally, he comes to his senses and he wants to marry me." she finished with a smile.

i put my hands in my mouth and noora playfully rolled her eyes and she hold up her hand.

"no way." i smiled.

"yes way!" noora chuckled and playfully hit me.

"when are you guys getting married?" i asked my best friend smiling.

"when the baby comes out." she holds her belly while smiling.

"its already 2 months." she added.

"what?" i asked surprised.

"me too. i can't believe it." she laughed.

"willhelm and i talked about our wedding and we wanted you to be my maid-of-honor and the three other girls plus linn as bridesmaid." she stop for a moment. "and christoffer as willhelm's best man."

"awe, that's cute!"

"lets talk about you." noora smiled.

"how are things going on with chris?" she asked.

"i'm great, chris and i are great, i'm happy, we're happy." i smiled thinking about my beautiful boyfriend.

"is he treating you well?" she raised her eyesbrows at me.

"of course, he's super sweet and caring to me." i laughed.

"he better be. that bitch had a crush on you since we were first year." she informed me.

"really?" i already know that but i can't help but get surprised again whenever someone mentions it.

"yup." she said popping the 'p'.

"i thought he was a member of that bus called "penetrators"?" i asked.

"yeah?" she knitted her eyebrows together. "i don't get why you don't know him when he was still studying at nissen."

"duh, i was too in love with jonas to look for other boys." i rolled my eyes. "but i heard the penetrators before, and i heard that they were fuckboys?"

"they were." she cringed.

"but they already changed, of course." she laughed.

"have you and chris already did the, you know." she rumbled.

"no!" i quickly said. "well, we were close but i said i'm not ready and chris respects me." i explained and she nodded.

my phone suddenly ring and i quickly stand to grab it.

"hello?" i said as i answer the call.

"i'm already outside, are you ready?" chris asked through the phone.

"no." i said. "what? i mean yes." i nervously laughed and i hear chris laughed at the phone.

"don't be nervous, babe. they will love you." he assures me and i nodded.

"okay." i said when i realized that he can't see me. "i'll be going downstairs now."

"be careful." he said.

i rolled my eyes. "don't roll your eyes, they will fall out."

"you know me too well." i laughed.

"of course." he replied. "now get your ass here. i miss you already."

"okay christoffer."

"i love you." he said and i can feel him smiling through the phone.

"i love you so much more." i smiled and hang up the phone.

"make sure you guys are safe!" noora yelled as i closed the door.

"fuck off, cunt!" i yelled back and shake my head while smiling.

messages; chris schistad & eva mohnWhere stories live. Discover now