twenty four

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as i finished texting christoffer, i grabbed my purse and put my phone inside.

i look at my appearance at the mirror and straightened my dress with my hands. i smiled, posing, then rolled my eyes when i realized that i actually look ugly in this dress.

i grab my graduation gown and hang it on my arm and i walk to noora's room.

i softly knock at her door and i hear her mutter a "come in."

"hey." i greeted her as i open the door to her room.

and there she was, sitting in her bed wearing a pyjamas with a tears rolling down her cheeks.

"noora!" i yelled and rush to her side.

"are you okay?" i asked and wipe her tears with my thumb.

she shook her head and i frown. "i don't want to come anymore." she said and laid on her bed.

"no, you're definitely coming noora." i stand up and pulled her arm so she can get up. "you were waiting for this day to come, right?"

she started sobbing loudly and i sighed. "noora, you can do this, okay?" i tried to convince her but she isn't cooperating with me.

i believe noora is a strong woman, she really is. but i can understand why she's feeling like this, noora and william have been dating since we were first year, its actually surprising for me that they broke up. they really love each other.

"chris told me william is gonna be there." i said softly and brush her blonde hair with ny fingers.

"he is?" she sobs and i hum.

"yes. now please get ready, i'll be waiting for you in the living room." i smiled and she nodded.

when noora got finished getting ready, we called eskild to drive us in the event.

noora sat in the back seat and i called shotgun, eskild and i look at noora through the mirror and she looks so sad. she isn't saying something to us, she usually have a story to tell us.

we finally arrived to the event and i pulled out my phone to message christoffer.

me: where are you?

christoffer: we're already inside, where are you?

me: you're really not that excited?

christoffer: sorry babe, can't help it

christoffer: your mother is with us

me: aight we're on our way

christoffer: the ceremony will start in a few seconds, you guys took so long to get ready

when we got inside, i look around and i immediately saw christoffer and my mother, chris waves at me with a big smile on his face and my mother just give me a proud smile.

i told eskild to sit with them and he did. i look at noora and she still hasn't say anything, i look back at christoffer and to noora and chris motion for something but i didn't understand it.

"eva! noora!" i heard someone squealed behind us and my eyes tear apart from chris and i smile when i see my three other best friends!

"we're finally graduating!" vilde squeals as she hugs me.

"i can't wait to go in university!" chris berg said and sana nodded, agreeing with her.

the principal started speaking and we were told to sit already, the girls and i decided to sit with each other.

noora finally speak and is laughing with the girls. girl-chris, vilde and sana's name were already called and they already received their diplomas.

"eva kviig mohn!" the principal said and i walk on the stage with a big smile on my face.

i heard cheering and i look at my friends and see them shouting loudly, i look at my mother and she gave me a thumbs up and clap. and as for christoffer, he made the old penetrators to go here just to cheer us.

five of the guys, including william, eskild and chris, removed their shirts off as they chant "go eva!"

eskild has a letter 'e' written on his chest while chris has the letter 'v' and william has a letter 'a' and the two other guys have "g" and "o" in their chests.

i blow a kiss to christoffer and he pretends to catch it and i laughed.

as i go back to our seat, the girls gave me a hug and kisses on cheeks and congratulated me. noora look around and her eyes lit up as she saw william.

noora's name were already called and the guys did the same to her except eskild and chris because they have a different letter on their chests.

as the event ended. the girls go with their family and chris and eskild ran to me with my mom following behind.

"congratulations!" they yelled and i gave them a hug.

"is that sana's brother?" eskild asked as he check out sana's brother and i laughed.

"yeah." i responded.

"what's his name?" he asked.


"elias bakkoush, hmm." eskild bites his lip and we laughed "be right back." eskild turn away from us and walks to sana's family.

"eva, i'm so proud of you!" my mother said as she kisses my cheeks.

"thank you ma'am." i smiled and her phone suddenly rang. she excuse herself to us saying that the phone call is really important and we'll just meet our house later.

i felt christoffer's hands rested on my back and i lay my head on his chest.

"congratulations, babe." christoffer kissed the side of my head and i hummed.

"thank you." i smiled softly and turned my full body to him.

"i have to tell you something." chris smiled and i nodded.

"i love you so much more."

messages; chris schistad & eva mohnWhere stories live. Discover now