CHAPTER 8-- Soul Healing

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When I came home all I could feel was the glares of my mother staring me down as if I were an alien and I should be ashamed for my existence. At first she said nothing, even though I already knew I had flunked out. But I didn't want to see her either. I avoided her gaze at all costs, often spending time in my room. I found a way to lock the door.

William was still in the same town and was going to a college nearby.

William greeted me outside my house as I shimmied down the trunk of the maple tree outside of my bedroom window.

"Is she that bad?" he asked as I jumped to the ground.

"She wants to ground me until I agree to go back to college," I said.

I brushed myself off and then saluted. "What's your plan for tonight?"

"You meet my girlfriend and then we can go out for dancing and roller skating."

A small girl with long dark brown hair and vivid eyes greeted me from William's car. She offered me chocolate chip cookies as I got into the car with a smile.

"Why do you have to escape that way?" she asked.

I laughed. "You don't understand the lengths my mother will go to."

"Oh, you must be Bess," she said.

"This is my girlfriend, Miranda," William said, beaming a smile at me.

"How many people are meeting up again?" I asked.

"Five or six, including us," William said. "Don't worry, I'll get you back before your mother notices anything."

He delivered on his promise and took me to a club with a bunch of his friends. I danced my heart out on the dance floor and used the loud music which I normally hated to ignore all of my problems.

Helen was one of William's friends from college. To be exact, a friend of a friend of a friend that he'd become friends with when that friend of a friend dumped her. She was tall and had a fine Greco-Roman features. A beauty in that classical way. She tapped me on the dance floor.

She said into my ear, "We're going to go..."

I couldn't catch the last word, but followed her anyway.

Outside of the club, the group gathered. Tracy was Helen's boyfriend. I was the odd one out, but I didn't particularly mind. Besides, the sixth and seventh people were no shows.

"Rolling rink," William said.

"And then one round of bowling."

"I have to go home after that," I said, looking at my watch. I didn't want my mother catching me.

"We'll take you home," William said. He whispered to me, "I'm sorry the set up didn't work out."

I laughed, "It was Miranda's idea? They must have run away when they saw my picture."

He shook his head. "Some guy out there must find you pretty, Besty."

I shook my head. "You are so encouraging, you know that?"

He grinned at me before we went to roller skating rink.


For some reason, roller skating rinks have this fascination with the 1970's, or maybe it was just the ones I've been to. A disco ball descended into the middle, reflecting against the walls and floor multicolored lights.

I clutched to the side of the boards. I'd learned how to skate, but it felt as if I'd forgotten. Tracy skated over.

"Need help?" he asked.

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