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It's not his fault, it's me. That's what ran in my head. Ted was driving his car. I hadn't let him touch me since the night after the club. He hadn't used his motorcycle after I'd told him that I didn't like what he did that night. He was so sorry and apologetic, that I was sure he meant it. I didn't tell him that he'd taken my virginity.

My cellphone brick rang. It was my father. I chirped into the phone, "We'll pick you up at the airport in fifteen minutes."

He was on a business trip, but thought that he'd visit me on the way to his final destination.

Ted was staring at the traffic. His teeth were clenched betneath his snarl. I touched his arm. "Calm down."

"Fine, I'll see you then," Father said.

Just then Ted swerved the wheel across three lanes of cars.

"Fucking bastard."

"Calm down," I screamed.

The accelerator hit the floor. I screamed again, this time without words. I screamed so loud that he stopped.

"Sorry, Bets, but he was riding me like there was no tomorrow. We could get into an accident if there is sudden traffic."

I was too shocked and afraid to say much. This had become a chronic problem. I was becoming more and more worried that the police would come knocking on my door saying that he was dead. Or worse discover him on the four o'clock news when I got home from my day job.

I cried at him upset. At first he laughed. He thought it was funny that he'd end up in a body bag. He said, "I have relatives that can identify me, you wouldn't have to do it, Bets." But he saw me crying. "I'm sorry--I didn't mean it. I didn't, but he was riding me hard..."

I was worried about him. When we arrived at the airport he kissed my tears. "I'm sorry." After I'd calmed down he said, "Why am I the one that's always apologizing?"

It took longer than fifteen minutes for me to recover a smile on my face. I hid my red eyes from my father. I didn't think he would care that much anyway.

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