Chapter 10

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  "Soo Ray... Now you're in my room." Tyler smirked. 

  I rolled my eyes. "You have big plans or something?" I asked. He was so weird. 

  "Yes. I have plans. Like... Truth or dare!" He burst out excitedly. 

  "You know... I might not have that much experience in the world... But I do know that's what guys play when they wanna find out secrets or get someone to do something." I raised my eyebrows. 

  "No, nahh why would I do that? Heh I have like... A mind reading monster, I don't need a GAME to find out secrets." He said, giggling a little awkwardly, and totally not convincing me otherwise. 

  "Fine, I'll play your game that is just for fun and totally not to get what you want." I agreed, because he wasn't the only one who could get what they want with this game. 

  "Yay! Can I go first?" Tyler asked, jumping around like a little kid even though he was probably like five hundred or something. Older than Mom and Dad anyway. 

  "Sure, I choose dare by the way." I played this game with... Someone. Not saying who. And I liked dare better. 

  "I dare you to.... Uhm... Kiss me?" He blushed but still smirked. 

  "My goodness I thought you didn't want anything from this..." I mumbled, but I knew the way around this dare. 

  I kissed my hand, big wet kiss, then slapped him in the mouth. "There, slapped a kiss on." I grinned as he rubbed his jaw and glared. 

  "That's not what I meant... And you know, you're stonger than your mom even ouch..." 

  "Yeah, you should've been more specific then. Because if you want a kiss from me that's what you'll get." I stuck my tongue out. 

  "Yeah whatever... I choose truth." 

  Haha he wanted to move on... Truth? What's a good question... Ah yes! 

  "What exactly do you think of me?" I asked. Yes, it was left kind of open, but that's the best way! Most guys will either flat out admit if they like you or make it obvious by the way they talk about me. 

  "I uhh I think you're a bit of a jerk sometimes honestly, but you're also pretty and funny and I think somewhere deep down you're sweet too. Plus you have a pretty singing voice, and you're smart... But still maybe more than a bit of a jerk!" Tyler said, blushing. 

  I held back a grin, plan success. Yes, he does like me. That's what a bunch of compliments covered by a criticism means, especially a general criticism like jerk. 

  "Ok then, jerk chooses truth." I said, expecting the same question back. 

  "Well then... Princess Jerk," He stuck his tongue out. "Will you uh... um... Would... You.... uhhhh...." He blushed bright red and bit his lip. 

  "What?" I asked. 

  "Wouldyougooutwithme?" He said so quickly I could barely hear. 

  "You know... I'd say yes, but my dad said I don't like anyone and nobody's allowed to like me, so unless you wanna get kicked out of the house..." I told him honestly. That was true... But not the full truth. The full truth was after... Something... I wasn't ready for a relationship. 

  "Oh ok." He said, obviously disappointed but also a little happy after hearing I wanted to say yes. Kind of. 

  "Ok, truth or dare?" I asked him. 

  "Uh dare." 

  "Ok, I dare you to trust me." I was grinning. This was gonna be good. 

  "Ok? I already trust you but uh ok..." 

  "I'm not done yet!" I smirked. "I dare you to trust me... And not try to stop me... From jumping out the window." I watched him closely. 

  "W-what Ray what?!" He asked horrified. "We're on the s-second floor R-ray you're gonna get hurt or die!" 

  I rolled my eyes, still smirking. "I can't die. Come on, I said trust me. You trust me?" 

  Tyler snapped his mouth shut and nodded. 

  "Ok, now trust me. You trust me enough and you'll get a reward." I winked, teasing him. 

  He didn't say anything. I felt mean, but soon enough... Yup. 

  "Ok, well I'm gonna go now." I walked over to the window and opened it. 

  Tyler looked frozen watching me with huge eyes. 

  I gave him a small wave and jumped. 

  Falling was fun, I watched the ground come closer.... Closer... And right before I hit I positioned myself so that when I fell I'd roll and the impact wouldn't hurt me. 

  I hit the ground and rolled, like a somersault, and landed on my feet. I turned back to the window, where Tyler was standing with a horrified and relieved look on his face, and I bowed. 

  Then I walked back in and up to his room, grinning. I felt a little bad, he looked so pale and scared. 

  "Ok, BIRDIE I absolutely hate you right now. You are a jerk show-off and evil little-" Tyler blurted out before snapping his mouth shut. 

  "Whatever... Birdie? You call me that? Geez I might do it again just for that!" I said, gettiing a little upset. Then I took a deep breath, "Ok, I'm sorry, yes I am an evil little jerk show-off." 

  Tyler took a small step forward, hesitated, then hugged me tightly. I made a small squeak of surprise, but hugged him back. 

  "Why do you hate being called b- that?" Tyler asked, pulling away. "I mean you're just like a bird... Your name, your singing, you fly and land I guess too..." 

  I looked down. Well I did promise a reward... "Because I used to like, love, someone... He called me that... But he d-died I hate that name it hurts now..." I whispered, trying to hold back tears. 

  "Oh... I'm sorry... I wouldn't have said that if I'd known..." Tyler said regretfully. 

  "Y-yeah whatever it's fine." I said quickly, pulling myself together and wiping a tear from my eye. "I should probably go try to sleep now it's almost midnight." I murmered and took off to bed. 

  "Bye... Night..." I heard Tyler say a little sadly behind me. 

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