Chapter 16

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  I woke up to two voices, fighting... 

  "We should take her home! Her parents are worried out of their minds!"

  "Her wolf, uh Scarlet, said not to! Just give her time, she's got eternity! Plus her parents were going to send her away anyways."

  "They told me that wasn't the whole story and they'd explain when she's back!"

  "She has ETERNITY let her calm down and go because she chooses." 

  With a sigh, I woke up and looked at the guys. 

  "Well thank you for letting me in on the conversation concerning my future, and including taking me while I'm asleep back to the place I left!" I said sarcastically. 

  They turned to me in surprise. "Ray? How long have you been listening?" Tyler asked quickly. 

  I rolled my eyes and sat up. "Long enough." I replied. 

  Smirking, Reese said, "See? She agrees with me!" 

  I punched his arm lightly. "You didn't wake me up either!" I accused. 

  They both gave me pouty faces. "Well you wouldn't wake up!" Tyler whined. "Not even when he-" He started with a smirk just to be interrupted by Reese tackling him and covering his mouth. "Shhh!!" He hissed urgently. 

  I watched with a blank look, but inside I was a little worried. What'd Reese do that he didn't want me to know? "What did you do?" I asked flatly. 

  "Nothing." He said quietly, but I noticed a slight redness in his cheeks.

  Right as I was about to question him further, the front door flew open. Mom and Dad walked in. "Ray!" They cried and ran over. 

  I narrowed my eyes. "I don't wanna hear it." I growled, emptying my voice of emotion. Before they got over or had time to reply, I jumped up and ran past them out the door, quicker than I thought I could. Actually, about five seconds was all it took for me to get out the door and to the end of the street. 

  Then I kept running, and made sure to jump too so they couldn't follow my scent. When I was five I'd wandered off and my parents must've found me that way, because I'd remembered seeing two wolves running around the trail I'd followed, then they disappeared and a few minutes later my parents found me. 

  After another five minutes, I was somewhere deep in the woods and all alone. I sat down under a tree and began thinking, one of the boys must've told my parents where I was... Tyler was the obvious choice, since he knew where they were and had contact with them. But he'd wanted me to go home, to talk to my parents... So Reese must have, since he was so insistent that I stay! 

  Angrily, I punched a tree. And to my surprise it splintered under my hand and fell over. I was too mad to feel bad about killing the poor tree, and honestly watching it spinter and crash down was oddly satisfying. I guess destruction was fun when I'm angry.

  I jumped around at a small popping noise and saw Reese standing beside me. "What do you want?" I spat. 

  "Your parents explained what they meant." He began. 

  "Yeah, I'm sure they have an awesome explanation for deciding to send me away. And I don't care, I don't wanna hear it!" I said sarcastically and turned away. 

  "Ray, listen! They weren't sending you away as in kicking you out, there's a special school-" 

  I rolled my eyes. "Special." I whispered. "As in crazy? Different? Whatever!" 

  "My gosh, can you just listen and stop expecting the worst?" He snapped. "It's special as in werewolves, vampires, and other paranormal creatures go and learn about their powers and controlling them!"

  I stopped to think about that. Control my vampire and werewolf? Not that Scarlet needed it, she seemed fine, I could even be friends with her... But sure my vampire could probably use that. I think I felt Scarlet and the vampire wake up a little at that thought. 

  "I will not be controlled." I small voice threatened in the back of my head. Yeah you will... 

  "So?" Reese said, and I realized he'd been talking still while my vampire was and I hadn't heard him. 

  "What? Sorry..." I said. "You can't control me!" The vampire yelled. "Well-" Reese said. "Shut up!" I yelled at my vampire, out loud. Reese glared at me. "What the heck Ray?" He asked, as my vampire continued yelling at me. 

  "Not you! The dumb- Gosh shut up!" I yelled. Reese looked concerned now. "Ray? Are you ok?" 

  With a lurch, I felt my vampire seize control. "Yes I'm fine. What were saying?" It  said, its voice higher and smoother than mine. 

  Reese narrowed his eyes. "Who is this?" He asked skeptically. 

  "I'm Ray, of course. Why do you ask?" I fought to take back control. This dumb vampire! It pushed me farther into my mind until I could no longer hear it talking. Then I heard another voice. 

  "Ray?" It was Scarlet. 

  "Hi Scarlet." I said, sounding tired. I was tired. Maybe I should just sleep... 

  "Ray no, don't sleep... Come on, let's fight this vampire." I felt her tugging me forward, towards conciousness. I just limply followed, starting to not care. 

  I could feel Scarlet's frustration at me, then she let go. Some amount of time later, she was back. "The vampire is trying to hurt your friend, Reese? You need to help me before it is too strong!" 

  At the thought of Reese getting hurt, I got a little motivation to go fight the vampire. I drifted forward, getting less sleepy and tired the further I got. Then I felt the vampire's presence and tried to push it away. Scarlet also pushed it away, and after a good fight we subdued it. 

  "Good, good." Scarlet encouraged. "Now help Reese!" 

  I took control and an overwhelming number of things hit my senses. Firstly, the smell of blood. Then that Reese and I weren't the only ones here anymore, and Reese was lying on the ground with his eyes closed and a bite on his neck. Crap.

  It took me a minute to realize I didn't know the second person, and they were human. And staring at me terrified. And holding a gun. Uh oh...

  "Um wha-" I started to ask him, but he made a squeaking noise and I heard a bang, then  I fell over backward with a pain in my chest. 

  I watched numbly, playing dead, as the man went over to Reese and picked him up, carrying him away. Ugh... Well Reese could take care of himself anyway! I lay still and fell asleep, vaguely aware of someone touching me before I fully fell unconcious. 

*Author note! I recently got in trouble, so sorry that I won't be updating as often since I have no internet... I'm currently on my mom's laptop, but I won't be able to use this much... Sorry! Be back as soon as I can!* 

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