Chapter 31

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  *Scarlet's POV* 

  My plan was going perfectly... Now I could be in control! Once I was in control for long enough and I was considered as the main owner of this body I could see Seth better too, maybe even help him get his own body! 

  Nico seemed to be falling for my charade that I was helping Ray, and once she was subdued it was easy to keep her that way. All I had to do was get off of this island now... Or there was a possibility that once I was the main spirit here I'd get off automatically since I'd already done this. 

  I couldn't help but giggle at how easily I'd fooled them all into thinking I was on their side, really all it took was to stand up for Ray on something that didn't matter and tell them a useless myth that they should actually already know. 

  Although, I was actually in love with Nico... It was hard to lie to him but in the long run it'd be for the best, as long as he fell in love with me. And once he did he wouldn't even miss Ray when I didn't let her come back! 

  Thinking of Nico, I should probably go find him and start making him love me! I hopped out of the tree and walked through the trees until I found him by the beach, where he usually was. 

  "Hey Nico!" I greeted him  brightly. 

  "Hi." He said, not as enthusiastically as I'd hoped for, but hey I had to start somewhere! 

  "What do you wanna do? Play a game? Oohh truth or dare?" I asked. 

  "Yeah, sure. If you'll answer one question." Nico said, fixing me with a tough look that I couldn't decipher. 

  "Ask away." I said, trying to sound confident but inwardly I was worried about what it'd be. 

  "You fell in love with me, right? So what about Seth?" 

  "What about him?" I asked skeptically. What was he getting at? 

  "Well are you dumping him, cheating on him, what? And if you'll do that so easily to him what would stop you from doing it to me if I fell in love with you?" He asked in quiet but firm voice. 

  How did I put this? Because Seth was totally awesome and yeah I loved him! But yes I was cheating on him, because so was Nico. Oh well, lies fix everything. 

  "We were never really together, just kinda best friends with benefits." 

  "But you fell in love with him. And he with you." 

  "Um no why do you think that?" I was getting a little scared now. 

  "Well first you both got onto this island together, and you said you did what you had to but too late. Second... I CAN READ YOUR MIND SCARLET!!!" He yelled. 

  Oh fuzz, he could? Dang it... Well then that sure complicated things. 

  "Well uhm you know my motivations then?" I said, half asking and half trying to cover for myself. 

  "The ones where you take total control and possibly kill both Ray and Ricky by not letting them out ever? Where you use me to get off here then decide between me and Seth or maybe cheat on us both in secret? Well forget it! You're a monster, worse than vampires or demons! You know what you're doing but you ruin lives anyway! And yes I know about your past too, that is no excuse! Oh and I know about your little secret too, your secret about the monster." 

  His outburst brought out an anger that put the monster he claimed I was to shame. "Well then, maybe I'll just have to get rid of you." I said through gritted teeth. 

  Before he could respond I lunged at him, grabbing him by the neck and pinning him to a tree, before whispering in his ear, "Even immortals have weaknesses that can kill them, and I happen to know yours." 

*What's gonna happen??!!!???!!! AAAHHHH I have such evil evil plans >:D I can't wait to let them loose!!!! I swear I'm like, worse than Scarlet xD* 

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