Chapter 20

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  I woke up to a pounding headache, and the discouraging realization that I was chained to a wall. Why? No idea... 

  I was back in my cell, that's what I'll call it as it doesn't qualify as a room, with my burns treated I guess. No sight of Tyler though. Or Reese... 

  "SOMEBODY GET OVER HERE!" I screamed hoarsely, needing to find out what'd happened. 

  Right as five minutes had passed and I'd given up hope of anyone coming, the man with the smiley mask walked in. 

  "Ah hello Ray. What is the matter?" He asked coolly, voice rid of emotion. 

  "What happened? Where are Tyler and Reese and why am I chained?!" I demanded. 

  "Oh that. Your other side, one of the monsters, came out after you fell unconscious." 

  "Awesome. Now where are my friends?" I asked through gritted teeth. This guy pissed me off and nobody messes with my friends! Especially guys I like... 

  "Your friends... Yes. Tyler is in his room, he's fine. Reese... Ah... You may speak with him if you wish." 

  "Yeah duh! Get him in here." I ordered, not caring that I sounded rude. 

  The masked man hesitated, obviously not sure how to respond to that outburst. After a second though he stepped out, whispered to somebody, then Reese came in. 

  "Reese! What are you doing here?" I asked him. 

  "Oh Birdie, you haven't gotten it yet?" He asked with a weird smile, like he was talking to a little kid who didn't understand something. 

  "Gotten what? What's going on?" I was confused. 

  "Think about it! How'd they find you out in the middle of the woods? How'd I get into here and find you undetected? And why am I still roaming free?" 

  I gaped at him. No... It couldn't- He couldn't! "You're with them?!" I whispered, dumb-founded. 

  "Yes little Birdie! Now, you should really start co-operating, this is really a good cause-" I cut him off mid-sentence. "Good cause? If it's that good you wouldn't have to kidnap me and you all could've convinced me to join you with WORDS! Not threats! And WHY do you work with them?! To help kidnap me?! I thought you flipping loved me!" I screamed. 

  Reese chuckled. "Oh you believed that? Well sorry to disappoint little birdie but I had to get you somehow. And the kidnapping was necessary for a few reasons I'm not in the place to say-" 

  I burst into tears and tried to punch him, my chains slowing me down and snapping. I lunged at Reese and slammed him into the wall while he was too shocked to react. He flew through the wall and dented the wall on the other side of the next cell/room. 

  He lay in an unconscious heap on the floor, and I sat down and sobbed. How could he?! 


  *Reese's POV* 

  I sat on the floor, feeling weak. What'd just happened? Last thing I remember I was in the woods waiting for Ray's parents... Then I fell asleep and woke up here. In a cell, all alone. 

  I lifted my head slightly and looked around. All I saw were four concrete walls and a camera in a corner, watching me. 

  Almost as soon as I moved, I heard a voice, probably on a loudspeaker. "Reese, you are awake! Good, good. We have a job that needs doing." It was a man's voice, it sent shivers down my spine. 

  "W-what job? Who are you?" I asked. 

  "I am me, that's all you need to know. But we have your friend, Ray is it? Anyways, she isn't co-operating with our plans. We need her in order to succeed! You will go to whatever measures needed to get her to follow orders, clear?" 

  "What are you wanting her to do?" I asked hesitantly, sitting up. Bad guys never liked being questioned... But I couldn't make Ray do something without knowing what! What if it was horrible? 

  "Fight a war for us, very talented and strong, she is." 


  "The demons." 

  The demons... Crud... Would I end up fighting Ray? I was under demon orders... No, I could not let that happen. 

  "Uh sorry dude but demons are tough guys and if Ray doesn't wanna fight them I'm kinda on her side there." I was guessing that they had no idea what I was... And I'd keep it that way. 

  There was silence, then a wall opened up behind me and a man in a mask walked up to me, picking me up by my shirt and pinning me to the wall. "Oh yes, you will help us. Whether it's you, or not you you." 

  I was confused for a moment before someone else walked into the room. Someone who looked just like me. 

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