Chapter 33

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  *Reese's POV* 

  One minute I was being murdered by a spirit that I'd once thought was nice, and I felt my soul being sucked out of my body. It was an odd feeling honestly, like... Geez I can't even explain it! It felt like being a ghost while still  feeling my body, only the ghost part was both frozen and burning at the same time. Really since it's happened twice now I should be used to it, but can you ever really used to dying? 

  Anyway, the next minute I, my ghost side I guess, saw two ghosts or spirits or whatever come out of Ray's body. Ray, and a legit crazy looking girl who looked as much like a wolf as was humanly possible. Scarlet I assumed. Ray shoved my spirit back into my body, and as soon as I was back she and Scarlet disappeared. 

  I blinked confused for a moment, staring at the space between Ray and me, then I heard a soft whisper from the space. "I love you." Then Ray's body collapsed. 

  "Ray!?" I yelled, realizing what'd just happened. She had died the one way a werewolf can die, by saving the life of someone they love, and taken Scarlet with her. 

  I fell to my knees beside her still body, sobbing. "No no no... Ray you can't, don't leave me Birdie!" I shook her, I hugged her close to me, everything I could think of. But she didn't wake up. 

  As I was holding her close a warm wind rushed by, and suddenly we were spinning. Then I fell to the floor of Ray's house, exactly where she'd been taken away. We had completed the challenge... And proved our love to each other. 

  I briefly thought that I wish I could still be on that island, to beat the crap out of that imposter! But then, he was the crap so it was highly unlikely that I could beat him out of himself, though I liked the idea of trying. I guess an eternity stuck on that island would punishment anyway. 

  I quickly forgot about him though as I once again looked into Ray's cold pale face. She was, is, so beautiful... Why couldn't I have died instead? I felt as though a piece of me had been torn out, a piece I could never replace or live without. 

  *Ray's POV* (Haha if you're thinking, "OMG but she's dead?! How is she having a POV?!" YESH I AM DOING THIS I BELIEVE IN HAPPY ENDINGS *cough* ish *cough* YOU'LL SEE!!!!!*

 So I'm dead? Well then why in the world am I sitting in rainbow land next to my newly found grandma, grandpa,  and uncle watching Reese on some sort of live streaming TV?! Yes I'm confused too. 

  All I did was hear this amazing noise, like the best music ever! I opened my eyes and saw four unfamiliar faces above me. 

  "Hello Raven!" A boy who looked my age said. "I'm your Mom's brother! I'm so jealous, why does she get to be a werewolf? And why didn't she tell me?! Oh off topic, but anyway my name is  Alex and welcome to HEAVEN!" 

  "The- Wha- Heaven?" I stammered. 

  "Yes dear," A woman who looked like an older version of Mom said, except no way was she older than Mom... "You died a very loving and heroic death, Reese is safe now at your house. Do you want to see him?" 

  "Yes!" I yelled and sat up. "How?" I asked after a second. I was dead, right? I couldn't like, just waltz into the house and say hi right? 

  "Come with me dearie. Oh by the way this is your grandfather," She pointed to a nice looking man next to her, "And this is God." She pointed to a second man which I now noticed didn't seem to be able to hold a single appearance longer than a fraction of a second. He was constantly yet smoothly shifting between different people all the time. 

  "G-god?" I whispered in awe. 

  "Yes, Raven." God said in an amazing voice, but also a voice that sounded like many different people. 

  "Oh gosh I'm sorry I was such a bad person sometimes!" I said stupidly. 

  Everyone chuckled. "Since you came here, it's all good." He said. 

  My grandma dragged me away to what appeared to be a TV with a black screen. "Ok dear just think of Reese now." 

  I thought of Reese, and at once a video or whatever of Reese popped up. He was sitting on the floor of my house... With my dead body gripped tightly in his arms... And sobbing. 

  "Oh.. My... NO I have to make him feel better I can't leave him like that!" I shrieked. 

  "No shh dearie, that's just the way it is. The way it should be! Trust me, Reese will be fine." Grandma assured me as she patted my back. 

  "B-but I c-can't I need to-" 

  "Um there is a slight complication." God said from behind us. 

  "WHAT?!" I yelled, probably loud enough for all of heaven to hear. 

  "Reese is owned by a demon, not by choice, but all the same... He can't come to heaven now." 

  "No Reese, no me." I growled. "How do I get out of here?!" 

  "Um no, you can't leave!" Alex said, grabbing my hand. 

  "Watch me!" I snapped, and ran off to find my way out. 

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