Chapter 19

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  I stared in awe and horror at the room ahead. If it weren't for Tyler I would've just sat at the door here for eternity, these people would die sooner than me! But Tyler wouldn't... So I had to brave the room. 

  Taking a deep breath, I decided to focus on one thing at a time instead of take it all in at once and flip out like I was tempted to. 

  First... Was this ginormous axe thingy swinging back and forth. Two of them. Who thought of that? I thought that was only in movies... 

  Oh well. I inched closer until I was right up to them, and fluff they swung fast! Taking a deep breath, scared that if I couldn't do this Tyler would die because of me, I ran between them. I felt a breeze from the first one as it closely missed my back, and then a slight crunching noise. 

  I stopped abruptly and looked behind me, staring in disbelief as I saw the second axe had a hole torn out of it. That I apparently had made by running through it. 

  I was fluzzing tough! But I couldn't dwell on that, one look at Tyler told me he wasn't doing great... He looked bright red and sweaty and was squirming even with whatever drug he had. 

  Next up were some red lasers, which I guessed did something worse than alarms when touched... Geez though, did these guys get all their inspiration from movies?? 

  I walked up to the first laser and poked it with my finger before jumping back. An arrow flew along every laser, so even with my superspeed I couldn't avoid them all. 

  But I was willing to try! 

  Gritting my teeth, I took a deep breath and ran for it. Right into the lasers. I kept my eyes open, I highly doubted I could dodge them but I could try! 

  I watched as the arrows moved closer to me as if in slow motion. Then... They got to me. And went right through me. But I felt no pain, and kept running. I swear at least a hundred arrows hit me! 

  When I got to the end, I looked down at myself, expecting to see myself coated in blood, then get hit by the pain and pass out. 

  To my surprise I was untouched. How? What? I put my hand back in the laser beam and watched the arrow sink right through it harmlessly. What was the point of this?

  Ok then. Easy enough, I won't complain. I looked on, and only two more things... A bunch of very real looking carnivorous animals, and a wall of fire. 

  I walked slowly towards the animals. A lion, tiger, pack of jackels or some other wild dog-like thing, and a huge snake. They  seemed to be held back by some invisible barrier, and looked starving. Aw... Poor little, uh big, cute animals! 

  By some power I don't know, I walked straight up to them, through the barrier, and began talking to them. 

  "Aw you poor things... Don't worry, I'll demand you get better treatment, you don't deserve this!" 

  What in the world possessed me to do that I have no idea, but the once threatening animals stopped trying to murder me and looked up at me hopefully. I pat one jackel gently on the head and rubbed behind the tiger's ear, then walked right away without a problem. All the animals followed me to the other end of the barrier like pets. 

  With new courage, I charged into the fire. Yes, stupid. Very stupid. Maybe it wasn't courage, but recklessness. Yes, definitely recklessness. 

  I made it to the other end in two seconds. Caught on fire, with no way to put it out. 

  I stared at Tyler, right in front of me, but didn't dare touch him with the flames burning up my sleeves. I felt a searing pain, but was too frozen to do anything about it. Then a voice came into my head, Scarlet! 

  "You idiot... Stop drop and roll! And think!" She ordered scathingly before disappearing. 

  Oh yeah... I fell to the ground and began rolling on the flames, accidently rolling into the fire and having to start all over again. But finally, it was out, and I stood up, moaning slightly at the burns I'd gotten. 

  I didn't have time for pain though! I rushed over to Tyler and untied him, then pulled him over the wall which I saw had  a door in it. I tried to open it, but it was locked. Darn it! I threw myself into the door, busting it down, and ran back to pick up Tyler. I threw him over my shoulder, adrenaline magnifying my strength, and ran through the doorway to escape the flames. 

  Partway in, I crashed into somebody. I jumped backward and hit my head against the wall. A rush of dizziness took over me, and as I slid to the floor I thought I saw Reese in front of me. But everything faded away as I passed out yet again. This was getting annoying, all the passing out... 

*Yay early update! It's not Saturday yet! xD but I got a chance to write, so yay! Here is the update, hope you like :3 Oh and I already somewhat kinda have the book planned out, but whatever question anyway! Who should Ray end up with, Tyler or Reese?! I can change the ending, ooh yah awesome ideas for ever is voted Ray's... Anyway yeah thanks for reading and all!!*

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