Three (3)

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I finished getting ready for this 'thing' that everybody is talking about.

"WE ARE LEAVING!" Jin hyung yells from the car.

"I'm coming!" I rush out the door.

I sit next to Jimin and we start driving.

"Can somebody tell me where in the world we are going?" I ask.

"We are goin-" J-Hope starts to say.

"He will have to figure it out himself." Namjoon says, covering J-Hope's mouth.

"Geez, when did everybody get so stubborn." I mutter.

When we finally arrive, I realize where we are.

"Wait a minute, are we at We Got Married?" I ask.

"Finally! Yes." Everybody says.

"How are you so clueless?" Jin hyung says while dragging me inside the building.

So if you don't know how We Got Married works, basically it's kinda scripted but not really. I'm pretty sure that only the missions are scripted but other than that, they can do whatever they want (like skinship and what they say). There is also a panel which consists of people (people that run the show and members of the groups) that watch the couple. This probably made no sense but anyways, you can go watch some videos of this show on YouTube. It's a pretty good show in my opinion. Okay, back to the story.

We meet up with the producers of the show and they explain what I will have to do. Sounds easy enough. Hopefully the girl will be nice.

They also told me that I will be meeting this girl through the phone first.

"Okay." I say.

We all go into a room and wait until we are ready to start. They informed me that not all of the things they record will be aired. That's good.

"Okay Suga, are you ready?" The producer asks me.

"Yea, I think so."

They input the phone number and it rings.

"I'm nervous." I say to my members.

"It will be okay." They comfort me.

It rings three times before it picks up.

"Hello?" I hear a girl's voice which sounds very cute and young.

"Hello?" I say.

"Umm.... is this my partner?" She asks.

"I guess so." I reply. I see my members face-palming theirselves.

"What?" I mouth.

"Nothing, just keep going." They mouth back.

"Well, anyways, who is this?" I ask her.

"Uh, this is U-" she gets cut off.

"I'm sorry, but could you repeat that?" I ask.

"Apparently we are not supposed to tell our names, sorry."

"Oh okay. Well, how old are you?" I ask her. I rather her be younger than me.

"I'm 20. How about you?" She asks. Wow, she is young.

"I'm 25." I reply.

"Oh, um....." she stops talking.

We both don't say anything. "Ask about herself." Jin whispers to me.

"So, how many members are in your group?" I ask her.

"6. How about you?"

"7." I reply.

"That's cool. Oh, I think our time is up."

"Okay, I guess I'll see you later?"

"See you." She hangs up.

"That was so awkward." I bury my face in my hands.

"It wasn't too bad.... right guys?" J-Hope says.

"Yea, just work on your conversations." Jungkook says.

"Now we have to figure out who it is. Any guesses?" Namjoon says.

"I can't think of any groups with 6... most groups have 4 or 5" Jimin says.

We all brainstorm but nobody knows.

"Ah-ha! I got it! I know who it is!" J-hope suddenly screams.

"Who?" We all ask.

"It's G-" he gets cut off again.

"Whisper in my ear." Says Namjoon.

He whispers it in his ear and Namjoon tells everyone except me.

"Why do I always have to figure things out by myself?" I complain.

"Because you do." Namjoon says.

"But I'm older than you." I fight back.

"Well I am the leader so now shh.."

"Hmph." I turn away.


"Who is it?" I ask my members.

"I still think it is Changsub sunbaenim." Sowon announces.

"Same here. BTOB has 7 members so there is 99% chance it is him." Yerin says.

"I don't think so. How old is Changsub sunbaenim?" I ask.

"I don't know but you'll find out tomorrow anyways." Yuju says.

"Oh!" Eunha says and whispers something to SinB.

"O my gosh! That makes total sense! It's got to be him!" SinB says excitedly.

"Who?" I ask.

"Wait until tomorrow." SinB says stubbornly.

"Ugh why?" I whine.

"Be patient and ill give you a treat." SinB says.

"Like what?"

"Ice cream!"

"Fine. But you know ice cream is my weakness." I turn away from them.

"Patient is the key to success Umji."
SinB reminds me.


This chapters sucks but it will get better. (hopefully) anyways, I finish school in 1 day!!! So excited! When do you finish school?

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