Twenty-five (25)

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While the boys were sleeping, one of them was awake.


He really wanted to help the girls but he knew he couldn't.

2 days ago....

They were all sitting down, enjoying their free time they had until they heard a voice.

They were confused but they ignored it. Soon they got irritated so they followed it. Namjoon thought it wasn't a good idea but he followed away. Namjoon decided to hide behind a tree while the other boys went in further. He saw the whole thing happen. Jihyo saw him hiding so she tried to hypnotize him. Her power wasn't strong enough so it only erased his memory.

When they got back, he thought his members were acting weird and he decided to act so he won't be suspicious to the other boys.


3 days left until.....

Namjoon finally got enough courage to try to help the girls. While the boys were sleeping, he sneakily walked towards the room. 

He slowly opened the door and it creaked. He froze where he was cause he knew someone would come and check. He was correct. Jungkook went (since he was the strongest member) and saw nobody. Namjoon was lucky enough to find a hiding spot.

He saw the girls sleeping so he shook them awake.

"N-Namjoon oppa?" Eunha asks, shocked.

He put his finger to his lips, signaling to 'be quiet'.

They were all surprised to see him in there. They thought every single of the Bangtan boys were mean.

"I also don't know why they are acting like that but I'm here to help you guys." He said.

They all thanked him and gave him a hug. He was the only one in Bangtan that has never been a relationship so he didn't know how love felt. Now he knew why all the boys were crazy for the girls. They were all so caring and nice, it was hard not to like them.


Sowon was alone in the dorm. She doesn't know where the girls went. She tried calling but they never picked up. Sowon wanted to call Jin but she remembered what she told him.

She was so worried about her members that she almost wanted to give up her life but she had to be positive as she was the leader and the oldest.

She heard a knock on the door and opened it.

"Namjoon oppa? Yerin? Eunha? Yuju? SinB?" She asks in disbelief.

"Unnie!" They all hug her. Namjoon watched as he felt sadness. He missed his members, their true personalities.

"Oppa saved us!" Sowon gave him a hug and bowed.

"Stay with us, until everything gets better." She motioned him to enter.

While they were eating, Sowon suddenly realized Yewon wasn't there.

"Where is Umji?" She asks.

"I don't know but I saw her at Bangtan's dorm." Eunha says.

"Oh yea, she was with Jimin." Yerin says.

"Jimin?!" Yuju exclaims.

"It looks like they are all out of their minds." SinB says.


2 days left until.....

Bangtan Boys woke up and checked on the girls but they didn't see them.

"How did they escape?!" Jin yells angrily.

"Where is Namjoon hyung?" Jungkook asks. They searched the house but they didn't find him.

"Gfriend's dorm, now." Jin ordered.

They arrived at the dorm and the girls and Namjoon sensed that it was them.

They stayed hidden and silent as the boys tried knocking down the door. They finally succeeded and hunted down the girls+Namjoon.

Sowon was alone in a closet while the others were hiding somewhere else. There was no room to join them so she ran last minute in there.

She heard footsteps close by. 'Please don't find me, please." She thought.

The closet door open and they stared face to face.

Jin was stuck. He didn't want to hurt her but his brain was telling him too. He saw Sowon's terrified eyes. He wanted to wrap his arms around her but he heard a voice, "Hurt her.... Kick her... until she bleeds... Do it Jin..."

His heart wasn't strong enough to win his brain over. It seemed that his love for her was still there with him.

He attacked Sowon, kicking and punching her. He saw the wounds he made. His heart was breaking to pieces the more he did but Jihyo was pleased of what he did.

"Y-You changed...." Sowon stuttered.

Jin didn't reply cause if he did, he would break. He left her, not able to hurt her anymore. 'I'm sorry Sowon', he thought.

The secret to breaking the spell was true love. They all still kept the love they felt for the girls, if only they realized this was the solution.


11 months ago....

Jihyo became jealous while watching Yewon and Yoongi on WGM. She wanted him for herself. However, she could see their love for each other through their eyes.

She wanted to feel loved. All her members were in relationships except her. She never felt what loved really felt like.

Her parents divorced and abandoned her at such a young age. She was left with her older brother. Her brother abused her as he felt it was all her fault for their parents divorce.

She moved to Seoul and later found out that her family died. Her mother was killed in an accident. Her father was shot. Her brother drowned himself.

She was depressed and alone for a very long time until she joined Twice. She wanted to distract herself from the pain. But it wasn't until long that she fell for a guy that was in love with someone else. She felt pain again and she wanted to make others feel the same. She felt so desperate that the only way for her to be happy was to kill the person that the person she loved, loved.



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