Twenty-two (22)

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Yewon POV

5 hours before

I was at the doorway of our apartment. Something was holding me back, I wanted to go but I don't want to at the same time.

Yewon, just open it... The good side of me said.

Don't, he hates you, The bad side said.

Don't listen, don't let that side get to you.

He doesn't want you alive...

I stood at the doorway, frozen, deciding which side I would listen too.

I turn to leave as the bad side of me won me over.

I walked away until I reached a bridge. It was over water but it was too high so if jumped, I would die.

Should I? Or not?

I crouched down, unable to decided whether I should or not.

Tears began flowing out of my eyes. I felt that nobody cared about me anymore.

All the haters that told me to die, won.

"It would be best if I was gone." I whispered to myself.

I stood up and grabbed the railing of he bridge. I looked down, finalizing my decision. My time has come.

I got on top of the railing, looking into the water. I prepared too jump but someone tackled me.

"Ow..." I say as I land on the ground, next to the railing of the bridge. Someone had their arms around my waist.

"Are you crazy?!" He yelled. I faced that person and I saw, Min Yoongi.

"You almost killed yourself if it wasn't for me! Why were you even thinking about committing suicide?!"

"I thought you didn't care...." I mumbled as my face got poured on my tears. I noticed that he was crying too.

"Why are you crying?" I ask.

"Cause I almost lost you! The person I spent almost one year living in the same apartment!" He hugged me tight.

"I just can't afford to lose you.... I love you." I didn't hear the last part he said.

I struggled getting out of his tight grip. I left him alone without looking back.


Yoongi POV

She almost died, forever gone from existing. Why was she even thinking about that?

I stand up as once again, I'm alone. I can't stand acting like this to her anymore.

Jihyo, I'm coming for you....

I arrived at JYP even though I had no way of getting to Jihyo.

I looked inside every practice room and finally I saw her and her members. I knocked on the door and they all look at me.

"Suga sunbaenim?!" They all squealed. They all looked at Jihyo, thinking that she would know why I'm here.

"Jihyo, I need to talk to you." I say as all of her members jump in excitement. She walks over to me, smirking.

I lead her over to an empty room as we need privacy.

"I'm done with you." I say angrily. It was all her fault in the first place.


"I mean, I'm done with being in a 'relationship' with you. You can try to hurt Umji but I'll protect her so you will never lay your finger on her."

"I warned you, Yoongi oppa. I will do something you will never expect." She laughs.

"Because of you, she almost killed herself!" I yell.

She evilly smirks, "I'll just make sure she will be gone so I'll have you all to myself."

"You can try but you won't."

"How are you so sure of yourself? I have my members to help me while you, you have nobody! Everyone hates you."

"How did you kno-"

"I told you, I know everything."


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