Fourteen (14)

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Yoongi's  POV

I see the curtain open revealing Yewon. She looks stunning in that 'wedding' dress.

"Do you like it?" She asks, spinning around. I nod my head and give her a big thumbs up.

"Try this one." I pick up a dress which had sleeves and was very long but it looked pretty. It will look prettier on Yewon, that's for sure.

She tried it on and wow. I don't think anybody will look better than her in this dress.

"I like it." She smiles and walks down to me. "Time to pick your suit."

In the end, I eventually picked out the basic black tuxedo with a white shirt. I tried on many other ones but they're not really my style.

We finally did our wedding photoshop today which turned out much better than I expected it to. My feelings for Umji has grew a ton when I first saw her. She's so nice, pretty, talented, caring, and much more. I know I'm not supposed to have them but what can I do? I'm a human living being aren't I?

After the photo shoot, we decided to go to a cafe to talk about things that we can't talk on camera. I really want to ask her if she has seen some of the hate comments we get.

"Just wondering, have you seen some of the comments we get?" I ask her.

She thinks but says, "Yea, we get some hate comments. But most of them are good ones. I don't let those things affect me though."

I nod, "I just wish that everyone would accept us as a 'couple'"

She takes a sip of her orange juice, "Their some immature fans in each fandom which we have to accept. But in the end, if they are really our fans, then they will have to support our choices even though they don't like the idea of it."

"True. Does your members get affected by hate comments?"

"Everyone except me. It's just that they don't get as much as me so I think they still have to get use to it. How about you?"

"We all get affected by the hate comments, even me. We might look strong on the outside but when talking about the inside, we are pretty sensitive guys." I see her staring at something. I poke her lightly but she puts up her finger to her mouth. She motions to turn around slowly.

I see cameras, like a lot of cameras. "We got to go." I mouth. We slowly get up and exit through the back door.

I hear fans screaming our name and I see some running towards us. We both run, trying to lose them but it doesn't work. We eventually give up and they start asking for autographs and pictures.

"Uh sorry everyone but could you please stop following us?" I say. Most of them backed away but some still stayed. The respectful ones told everyone to leave and give us privacy which I'm thankful for.

I think we were both thinking the same thing cause we both ran at the same time. I kept on thinking to the time we filmed the "run" MV. Dashi Run Run...


The next day

I woke up and turned on the tv to check the news. Guess what I saw?

BTS Suga and Gfriend Umji spotted yelling at fans, yesterday at a cafe.

I DIDNT YELL! Who in the world reported this?! I was POLITELY telling them to stop following us cause THAT IS AN INVASION OF PRIVACY! I slam my hands on the table in front of me, waking up Yewon.

"What's wrong?" She has a startled look on her face. I point to the screen and she reads. "We didn't YELL!" She says in disbelief.

"I know! And their saying that we are not RESPECTING our fans! Now everyone would think we are bad idols which is not true!" I hit my self in the forehead.

"I agree with you but I don't think you should blame yourself by hitting your forehead." She holds my arms so I won't smack myself anymore.

"Now we're going to have a bad reputation! A bad reputation Yewon! Do you want that?" I practically yell.

"Shhhhh.", she puts her finger on my lip. "Forget about it, people won't believe it. The ones who were witnesses and respectful fans know that we didn't yell. So don't worry." She says. "We will just tell on WGM what happened and it will be problem solve."

"Fine. But I'm telling you, this is much more of a serious issue than you think." I stand up and open the fridge to eat some ice cream.

"Your eating ice cream in the morning?"

"Yea, you have a problem with that?" I joke.

"Nope cause I'm joining you." She grabs a spoon too and starts scooping out the ice cream.

Hopefully this problem is just a misunderstanding. Like how bad can this get?


Yay, I finally updated! I didn't have a lot of time to write this but here you go! Who do you think reported this and why? See you guys on my next chapter! Thanks for reading, voting, and commenting!

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