Eighteen (18)

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"I thought you actually cared about me."

"I do..."


Present time

Yoongi POV

"Don't you dare send anything." I beg to Jihyo. She fvcking duck taped me onto a chair and stole my precious phone.

"Chill out, I'm just sending one text." She types something and sends it to Yewon.

"Why do you want ruin my life?" I blurt out.

"I'm not ruining your life, I'm helping you." She turns off my phone. Who knows what she wrote.

She walks towards me and swipes my phone right under my hands.

"If you want your phone right now, tell me you love me and I'll give it to you." She offers me.

Yo, I haven't even said 'love you' to Yewon and she wants me to say it to her? She's crazy I tell you, crazy.


"Fine, wait till tomorrow morning to see what I wrote." She smirks.

I swear I'll give revenge to you one day....


Jihyo finally lets me free the next morning. Please let nothing bad happen, I think to myself before turning on my floor.




After I read what she sent, I ran right away to our apartment. Please Yewon, please don't believe anything.

Today is not my lucky day cause she looks pissed. Hehehe..... I'm screwed.

"Hi Yewon....." I slowly sit down next to her.

"Hi." She doesn't look at me. "You have a girlfriend?"

"Umm......" Think of excuses Yoongi, what do I say?

"Actually I don't." Oh well, let's go with that.

"You don't?! Then why did you say that you di-" She says.

"My brother accidentally sent that to you." I lie.

"You have a brother?" She seems shocked that I never mentioned my 'brother' before.

"Well yea, his name is Min Yoosi. He is studying in Europe right now." I lie again. Wow I'm good at making up things. Good job me.

"Oh, so you don't have a girlfriend?"

"Nope, I'm single as a Pringle." I say.

She studies my face as she still doesn't believe me. "Hmm... okay well it doesn't matter anyways. If you get a girlfriend, I'll be happy for you." She fake smiles.

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