Twenty-six (26)

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1 day left until.....

No one knew that today was the last day before Yewon would kill herself. Her behaviour became more violent as Jihyo was worried that someone would destroy her plans.

Yoongi distanced himself from everybody. He was depressed and guilty of everything he did. He didn't realize yet that he fell for Yewon, a long time ago.


At Twice's Dorm

They were watching BTS's live performance to Not Today. Of course they were all fan girling except Jihyo. She was exceptionally quiet compared to usual.

"Is something wrong Jihyo?" Nayeon asks worried. She kept glancing at Jihyo but she didn't know why.

"Nah, I'm good. Just tired." Jihyo lies. She wasn't really paying attention, inside her head is where all her attention went. The plan of tomorrow was what she was really thinking about.

"Or are you thinking about Yoongi oppa?" Nayeon smirked like she knew why.

Jihyo rolls her eyes. "Sure I am." She says sarcastically. "He will be mine tomorrow."

All Twice members knew that Jihyo was a little crazy when it came to Yoongi. But they all knew that Yoongi likes Yewon, only Jihyo was oblivious. 


Yewon came back to the apartment with Jimin. It was her first time bringing Jimin alone. When Yoongi saw, he was a little hurt but tried not to show that he was.

"Yewon? Jimin?" He asks surprised when he saw them walk in.

They ignored him and went to the kitchen. They sat down and began eating, not saying anything to each other but looking into each other's eyes all lovey dovey.

Yoongi watched them from afar. He was jealous but he didn't want to admit that.

Yewon and Jimin's heads became closer and closer. Yoongi was mad. He couldn't stand to see them kiss so he interrupted them.

Yoongi's POV

I walked up to them and smacked Jimin in the face. Oops.

"What the hell man?!" I shouted at him. Jimin didn't even flinch, he stared at Yoongi with wide eyes. No one in Bangtan dares to hit each other on purpose.

I suddenly noticed that Jimin's eyes were blue. Usually he doesn't wear contacts when he is not performing, weird.

Yewon stood up and grabbed a knife. She marched straight at me and brought it up to my neck.

"You don't dare hit my Jimin." She said, swiping the knife under my chin.

"W-what are you d-doing?!" I look down at the knife. If I move one bit, it will cut my neck.

"Teaching you a lesson!" Before she could jab me with that knife, I stopped her.

She was strong. I tried taking away the knife from her but she wouldn't let me.

"Why are you doing this Yewon?" I desperately say.

"You punched JIMIN! Now I'm going to punch YOU!" She grabs my neck with her hand. She tightens her grip, choking me.

"Y-Yew-won p-ple-ease s-st-top."

I look at her into her eyes. Her eyes....eyes.... wait... are blue? When did she wear contacts?

Third Person View

Yoongi finally got out of Yewon's grip. He ran out of he apartment before she will hurt him even more.

He was confused:

1. Why she is acting like this
2. Why her eyes are blue
3. Why she was with Jimin

"Yewon.... Yewon..." He kept murmuring her name. He fell asleep not knowing what will happen the next day.

The day of Yewon's death...

Yoongi woke up feeling sore. He got up and dragged himself back to the apartment. He didn't know what to expect anymore.

Inside the apartment was Yewon. Alone. She slid her fingers on top of the blade. It was time.

She grabbed the handle and pointed the knife at her.

Luckily Yoongi opened the door at the right time and saw what Yewon was doing. He ran as fast as possible to where she was and stopped her before she could kill herself.

"YEWON!" He yelled.

Yewon remembered what Jihyo said. No exactly but a word, "Kill."

She knew that she had to kill someone but she doesn't know who. It seemed the most obvious to her was to kill Yoongi. 

She jabbed the knife right into Yoongi's chest. Blood poured out, covering his shirt. He fell onto the floor with Yewon's hand on his back.

"Y-Yewon..... I- I love y-you..." Yoongi said his last words.


HIGHLIGHT MEDLY IS OUT!!! ALL OF THE SONGS SOUND SO GOOD BUT I THINK MY FAVS (besides love whisper) would be Ave Maria, Red Umbrella, and One-half. But Life is a party is so dope plus it has some rapping so im hyped to hear that! 


Also thank you for 3k reads 😄

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