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10 years later....

Yewon is now 30 years old with her boyfriend Taeun, who is not an idol. Gfriend is still doing well and their 12 year anniversary is coming up soon. However, BTS has disbanded due to the fact the Yoongi is not here anymore but they are all living happily.

Jin and Sowon has been married for 1 year.

Jungkook and Eunha has been dating for 4 years and are planning to get married very soon.

Yuju is dating a non-idol and Jimin is dating someone from Red Velvet. They are very supportive of each other and have no hard feelings.

Taehyung and Yerin broke up but are now back together and has been dating for 1 year.

Jhope has broken up with Wendy so both SinB and Jhope are single.

Namjoon has not yet dated anybody but has feelings for someone.

"Umji-ah, I'm going to take you somewhere." Taeun says as he embraces her.

"Where?" She asks, smiling.

"It's a surprise." He grins and ruffles her hair.

He brings her into a private park with lights lit up everywhere. Taeun pulls his hands away and Yewon opens her eyes. "Wow, it's beautiful." She says, mesmerized by the twinkling lights.

Taeun takes Yewon's hand and gets down on his knee. "Umji, will you make me the happiest man in the universe and marry me?" He holds out the ring.

Yewon hesitates before accepting, "Of course I will." He kisses her softly and hugs her, never letting go.

"Thank you, Umji." He whispers softly.


Wedding day

Yewon got her makeup and got dressed for her wedding day. The day people say is the most beautiful and happiest time of your life.

She sat on a chair, waiting and thinking. She somehow felt gloomy and guilty, 'I'm supposed to be happy, right?' She thought. Yewon felt tears in her eyes so she blinked hem away, trying not to ruin her makeup.

"Umji-ah! It's time!" She heard someone call her.

They drove to the the place, which is held outdoors by the ocean. It was what she always wanted but something was missing.

She walked with her father, arms linked together as they walked down. Her dad kisses her forehead before he sends her off to her soon-to-be-husband.

"Taeun, do you take Yewon to be your wife? Do you promise to be faithful to her in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health, to love her and to honor her all the days of your life?"

"I do." He smiles and squeezes Yewon's hand.

"Yewon, do you take Taeun to be your husband? Do you promise to be faithful to him in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health, to love him and to honor him all the days of your life?"

"I-I......" Yewon starts to say but runs out of the venue. People start calling her name but she doesn't look back, she just keeps on running.

She locks the door in one of the rooms and sits on the floor, tears pouring out. Someone knocks on the door but she doesn't open it.

"It's me, Taeun." He says behind the door.

She doesn't reply and changes out of her wedding dress. She puts on some old clothes and runs past Taeun. "Umji!" He calls out after her.

She runs until she reaches the cliff, right on the edge of the ocean.

"I'm sorry Taeun, but this is for the best of me." She whispers, apologetically.

"Please wait for me, Yoongi." She smiles, saying her last words, here on earth. After that, she was gone from existing.


She rubs her eyes as she looks around. All she could see was miles of fields of green grass with bright coloured flowers. Out in the horizon, she saw a figure with his arms open out wide.

She ran and ran until she met him. "Yewon....." the figure embraces her into a warm hug.

"Yoongi...." She kisses his cheek. "I missed you so much."

"Me too, Yewon. Me too."


Epilogue is now finished! Did you guys enjoy this book? Hopefully you did but I don't like how the beginning turned out so oh well XD

I'm going to start a oneshot book which I'll update every now and then, just when I feel like or have an idea. Besides that, I'll make a new book but I don't know which couple it should be about. So please comment, who you guys want next 💕

If you guys wanna follow me on social media, my Instagram is @bts_g.friend and my twitter is @lilacrose31 but I rarely post on there. :)

So Gfriend is gonna have another comeback mid-September so if we are lucky enough, we might have a bangchin interaction *squeals in delight* My life is officially over... 😭😄

But please rest well girls..... Yuju already had an accident so hopefully she'll recover fast. (GET WELL SOON 😭❤️) SOUMU needs them to REST

Once again, thank you guys for your support on this book :) BYE UNTIL MY NEXT BOOK 😊

BUT,  I might do a special chapter on Sinhope cause I know some people are curious to find out what happen to them so comment if you guys want me too and I'll do it. :D

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