Five (5)

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The curtain opened and since I'm not facing his direction, I don't know how he looks like. I heard footsteps coming my way and a pair of hands covered my eyes. I have no idea of this is scripted or not but I'll just go with it.

Every now and then, there will be comments that the panel makes and interviews that they do so yea ;)

Gfriend: Awwww

BTS: Wow, I never saw Suga like this before

Suga POV

I saw a girl sitting with her back turned to me. They (the producers) told me to doing something romantic or something like that so that's why I covered her eyes.

"Who... is this?" She stuttered. That was cute.

"Guess who." I say.

"I don't know." She says, trying to peek through my hands.

I take my hand away and hide behind her. She turns around, facing me.

Producer: what was your first impression?

Suga: first impression? Hmm, she looked very cute and her skin was very, white.

(I'm so sorry if this story makes no sense XD the all bold parts are interviews. Just to make it clear ;)

"Oh! Annyeonghaseyo." She bows.

"Annyeonghaseyo, you are Umji?" I ask her while bowing.

"Yes. You are Suga?" She asks me.

"Yep." I answer back.

Umji's POV

I turn around revealing a guy with black hair. He had milky white skin and overall, he looked pretty handsome.

We introduce ourselves first.

"Sorry if I'm a little awkward." He apologizes.

"It's ok, I'm awkward too."

*BTS and Gfriend members face palm themselves and are cringing because of Umji and Suga's awkwardness*

We both don't say anything for a while. Why is this so awkward?

I see a piece of paper on a table. I walk towards it and read it.

"I think this is our mission." I say.

"What does it say?" He asks. I feel him beside me.

"It says that we have to to make a car." I read off the card.

"Make a car? Are you sure?" He grabs the card out of my hands. "It's says to go to the car."

"Oh oops." I giggle.


"You guys are going too." The producer interrupts.

"Where?" Jimin asks.

"To the amusement park. All of you are going to be featured on We Got Married too. We have to be there before 'Sumji', so let's go."

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