i don't love you anymore | r.m

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Namjoon and I had been dating for about two years now. I've always known that Namjoon is goofy and silly sometimes but also hard -working and driven at others. I know that he hates it when people talk during movies and he would kill for the last slice of pizza. I know all about his quirks, his habits, his likes and dislikes. Even with all of that knowledge, i never once knew that he was capable of cheating on me.
My suspicions didn't rize until the last few couple of weeks but now, knowing the truth, I should have picked up on the signs months ago. Him slowly distancing himself from me, saying he was under a lot of pressure with school. Him rejecting my calls and texting me instead, excusing his behaviour by saying he was in a busy area.
When he got out of bed one night staying over at my place, to answer a woman's phone call, my suspicions rose. The sweat prickled on my forehead, the heat rushed to the side of my head. My hairs standing, my ears straining to ear, to catch a glimpse of their conversation.
Namojoon had sworn to me that it was his sister calling from a payphone on her backpacking trip, and I believed him. Until I answered one of the calls months later. Namjoon;s sister had already returned home by then, so who was calling. When I heard the suave, fluid female voice on the phone, terror struck me. I was so scared to have my doubts confirmed. I was scared to lose it all. Lose him.
So here I was, sitting before my boyfriend, about to ask the most useless question I could ask, "Why?"
Namjoon slumped into his chair across from me. He looked tired. As if this conversation was a burden, a waste of time, taking an unnecessary toll on his body. "I don't love you anymore. I did-"
"You're lying!" I scream, pushing myself deeper into the back of the loveseat, as if that'll distance me, seperate me form my own pain. "STOP LYING!"
Namjoon just sighs again. "I did love you Y/N. I do love you, just not in the way I used to. Serene is-" I wince at her name.
"She's different." I laugh, a sad manic laugh.
"Different, huh? OK." I say rolling my eyes.
"I'm sorry Y/N. I'm sorry you had to find out this way. I'm sorry yo-"
I put up my hand and say. "Spare me, Namjoon. I don't need you're halfass apologes. I don't need pity. You don't love me anymore, I get it. But since I still love you, let me give you some advice. When you fall out of love with Serene ad find someone different, have the balls to break up with her before you stick it."
I slam Namjoon's apartment door on the way out, muttering "Have a nice life," on the way out. It's the worst day of my life but I know that somehow it'll be for the best.

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