first love | m.y

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There were a lot of things that always went through your head when you thought back to who you were, what you did. You tried to remember only the good moments, but the little thoughts always crept into the back of your mind. A breath left your lungs and coated the window beside you in a small layer of frost, the only heat in the car coming from your bodies.
It had been years since you had been in Daegu, and it seemed so weird to you to be back. You had been living in Europe for the last six years, having finished high school there and attended your first year of college. It was during the winter holidays that you decided to move back to your home town. There was no reason behind it, other than wanting to experience a few years of work, and to be closer with family.
The last memory you had of Daegu was him. He was the last one you had spent time with before leaving. There was a part of you that had always regretted leaving him, and not being able to get in contact with him ever again. It seemed that fear had become real after a couple of months. It was when you were flying back to South Korea when you had heard news about him.
Your parents had told you about Yoongi, and how he had become successful with a group called BTS. You had heard of them before, but never once had you ever thought that Min Yoongi would be one for the idol life. It was only when you listened to a couple of their songs that you realized just how cut out for it he was.
Your brother was sat in the drivers seat, having picked you up from the airport and now driving you home. You had your earbuds in and he listened to the radio quietly. In your ears you had Yoongi's solo song playing in your ears, as there was something about it that you understood. It seemed as if there was a part of him there that he had left for you to find.
There were traces of snow outside the window as it started to fall from the sky, surrounding you. The roads were busy with people trying to make it home through the after work rush. Thousands of cars could be seen driving along, all searching for their own places to go, you being just another one of them. You were surprised by how much you recognized, being able to know where you were almost immediately.
Home was somewhere you hadn't been for a while, and you wondered if Yoongi's parents still lived next door to you. So many things were crossing your mind in that moment, and you wondered which ones would stay by the time you got home. You knew he wouldn't be there. It was the way of the idol life. There was no way you would be able to get in contact with him because of who he was now and you had accepted that.
You thought about paying his parent's a visit, and decided you would. Your neighborhood came into view and there was excitement flooding through your veins, warming up the blood underneath your skin and reminding you of your old home. Everything around you made a smile come across your face and you couldn't deny how happy you were to finally be where you belonged.
As the car pulled into the driveway, you couldn't help but feel the excitement flooding through you even more. There was a part of you that was incredibly happy to be home, and happy to be there with your family again. The car came to a stop and as you and your brother got out you took in the image of your childhood home, and the one next to it.
So many memories flashed behind your eyes, and all of the ones including Yoongi brought tears to your eyes. You had missed him so much and it hurt knowing that he wasn't there anymore, and you weren't going to try to get in contact with him because there was no way that who he was now wanted to be with you. Everything that happened between the two of you was probably washed away with the rest of his life before he became famous.
"Are you coming in?" Your brother asked, turning to you as you admired the houses. You thought about it for a second and decided you would drop by to say hello to Yoongi's parents quickly before seeing your own.
"I will in a second, I just want to see Mr and Mrs Min for a quick second." Your brother nodded and walked up the driveway as you cut across the grass to your neighbors house. You were almost at the porch when you saw the door open and you were greeted by a face you thought you would never see again. Someone who you were sure would absolutely never even see you again.
"Y/N?" Yoongi's question startled you and your eyes went wide as you took in his appearance. Seeing him here almost seemed like a dream to you, but when your fingers pinched your skin lightly you realized you were wide awake.
"Yoongi." You greeted. The feeling of his name rolling off your lips felt better than it had ever before and you were surprised by how easily it escaped. He looked at you for a quick second before seeming to snap out of his thoughts and realizing what was going on.
"What are you doing here?" Yoongi asked, wondering why you were even back in the country. He was almost as shocked as you were as to why he was back in Daegu.
"I moved back here. What are you doing here, I thought you were busy living it up as idol." You stated.
"Christmas holiday's." Yoongi answered. You nodded your head at his words, taking in what he had said and thinking to yourself about how lucky you were to come home during this time. It was a one in a million chance for something like this to happen and you were glad it did. "I was just about to head out for a walk to get coffee, do you want to come?"
You nodded your head at his words and soon you found yourself by his side, walking down the street. You had sent a text to your brother letting him know you were catching up with an old friend before heading home. He had replied with an ok and that your parents would be waiting for your return, because they knew that the moment you saw Yoongi you would most likely be gone for hours.
"So what's it like being an idol?" You asked. You were curious as to how much Yoongi's life had changed since you had left, and you wondered if his new lifestyle had changed him in any way. So far he was still the same old Min Yoongi you had known years prior and it made you happy to have him with you at this time. It was almost like it was before you had left.
There was something between the two of you, a topic better left untouched as neither of you wanted to come to terms with what had ended when you had left for Europe. Neither one of you was going to be the first to admit that there were holes left in both of your chests because the other had left. Love was a topic neither of you wanted to touch because it was easier.
"It's good." Yoongi started, snapping you out of your thought. "It wasn't what I was expecting, but I wouldn't trade it for the world."
"That's good."
"So what did you come back here for?" The question lingered in your ears for a few seconds as they left Yoongi's tongue and you wondered to yourself for a minute. You knew the reasons that you had told yourself so often, but you wondered if there was a part of you that had come back for this, come back for the hope of being with him again.
"I wanted to come home and work. I wanted to be able to experience life the way it was meant to be lived, with the people I love." You admitted. Yoongi looked to you, and your eyes stayed locked on the sky. The clouds had taken over fully and there was a light snow fall enveloping the two of you. Something neither of you had asked for, but something you could both appreciate.
"Does that include me?" Yoongi asked, bumping his shoulder lightly against yours. You couldn't help but smile at his actions and you nodded slightly, admitting to yourself that Yoongi was part of the reason you made it home. "You know I missed you a lot, and I wondered to myself if you would ever come back."
"I missed you too." You replied. You almost missed the way Yoongi looked at you, but you couldn't as he grabbed your wrist to stop you. Your feet halted on the ground and you turned to look at Yoongi, his grip on your wrist tighter than you expected.
"I missed you, Y/N. I missed us." He admitted. You were quiet for a moment, just taking in what he said and letting his words wash over you. It was something you had longed to hear, and now that it was being said to you, you couldn't believe it. "I wrote a song for you, it was called First Love. It was inspired by you, and what we had."
You were quiet for a few minutes, pulling on your bottom lip with your teeth. Without a word you walked towards Yoongi and within that moment you were sure that you knew where you belonged. You knew exactly what you were meant to do and there wasn't any part of you that fought against it. Even after these many years you were still shorter than Yoongi and you just barely had to stand on your toes to press your lips against his.
"I loved you, Yoongi. And I still do." The words slipped out of your mouth as you pulled away from him, and you felt his arms wrap around you, pulling you in for a tight hug. It reminded you of what you had left, and what you had come back to. This was what you had been looking for, and you had finally found it within just a few hours of your life.
The last thing Yoongi had ever said to you was that he would never forget, and despite all those years that the two of you were apart, he had kept that promise. He was your first love, and he would be your last.

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