fighter | m.y

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As the lights flashed you cheered loudly. You could feel the adrenaline running through your blood stream, flooding into every inch of your body, causing you to scream as loud as you possibly could. You jumped up from you seat and threw your hands up into the air making it clear how happy you were. Cameras flashed and the crowd became a mix of cheers and yells, some boos mixed in with the celebration.
The referee lifted Yoongi's arm into the air signalling he had one the match and the first thing he did was find you. Your eyes locked with his, and seeing the bruises and cuts and blood scattered all over him you couldn't help it as tears came to your eyes. You tried to fight them back, but they wouldn't go away. His gloved hand motioned for you and within seconds you were up and running into the ring, throwing your arms around him.
The crowd seemed to cheer more as you hugged your boyfriend causing you to hold him tighter. The referee let go of his hand, letting him wrap both of his arms around you. The arena started to clear out and you followed Yoongi into the locker room where his things were. The on call paramedics came over immediately to check on Yoongi and you let them check up on him, as they could definitely do better than you.
As the excitement started to disappear inside of you, you could feel the worry start to flood through you. The color of Yoongi's bruises started to really sink in and you could just see how bad they were around his ribs. You were sure it would only take a few more punches before he ended up with a broken one and that was what worried you the most.
Your eyes traveled over Yoongi, and you watched as the paramedics began to wrap his torso in gauze, icing it quickly. They pulled off his gloves and Yoongi winced, causing them to pay attention to the skin broken on his knuckles. The paramedics wrapped his hands and iced them as well. This was the one part you hated about seeing Yoongi fight, but you put up with it because it was what he loved.
So many parts of you had wished and begged that he wouldn't fight anymore, but somehow you always gave into what he wanted, as long as he promise to come home alive to you. That was all you wanted, more than anything. You weren't sure how many more fights Yoongi could go through before those promises were quickly broken. And soon they would be if he kept making his bruises worse.
The bruises were the worst on the outside, but you knew there were so many things happening beneath his skin that you couldn't see. You took a deep breath, watching him wince under the hands of the strangers and as they finished up you thanked them for their help. You knew you would have to change the bandages at home, but you were used to that by now.
"You really scared me this time." You said, making your way over to the bench and sitting down next to your boyfriend. He turned and gave you a small smile, linking his hand with yours and bringing it up to his lips to leave a gentle kiss upon. You smiled back, but wondered just how much of it you had to force in order to make yourself believe it was real.
Movement to the side attracted both of yours and Yoongi's attention, making you turn your heads toward the light. The person moved into view and you recognized him quickly. Jae-ha was the next in line to challenge Yoongi for his title as the top boxer in South Korea. It got to you, seeing just how strong this man was, and how built he looked. You didn't know how you would be able to see him and Yoongi go up against each other.
"Min Yoongi." The man greeted your boyfriend coldly, something you had seen many times in the past.
"Kim Jae-ha." Yoongi greeted with the same tone, and you were amazed by how calm he seemed. His grip on your hand told another story as he held onto you tighter, looking up at the man who entered the room. They stared at each other for a few more seconds before Jae-ha spoke again.
"You better get used to this." He started. There was something about his tone that seemed sinister, and Yoongi must have picked up on how you were starting to feel as he quickly stood up and blocked you from the mans line of sight. Yoongi was protective, and you knew he felt he needed to prove himself in order to be with you, even though you didn't feel that way.
"And why's that?" Yoongi questioned.
"Because tomorrow will be your last victory, I'm going to make it so you don't get out of there until you at least have broken ribs and a shattered career." Jae-ha's eyes flashed down to the bandaging around Yoongi's torso. Without another word he shoved his shoulder into Yoongi and quickly left the room, disappearing before you could say anything.
You let out a deep breath and folded your arms across your chest, standing up and looking at Yoongi. He turned to face you and you could see the anger behind his eyes. There was a part of you that wanted to let Yoongi do what he wanted, but there was a bigger part that fought against it because you wanted your boyfriend to be alive to see the next day.
"You're not taking the fight." You stated. Yoongi looked at you before shaking his head and picking up his water bottle off of the bench.
"What do you mean, of course I'm taking the fight."
"Not when your life is on the line. Yoongi, if he breaks a rib it could puncture a lung." You replied. Yoongi tried to ignore you, gripping the lid of the water bottle. He twisted it but stopped suddenly as the pain shot through his knuckles.
"I'll be fine." Yoongi gritted through his teeth. He was in pain and you knew it, you knew he wouldn't be able to fight no matter how hard he tried. The only thing he would accomplish is getting more hurt or killing himself, and you weren't going to allow either to happen. It didn't matter what you put on the line right now, as long as you got Yoongi to stay out of the fight.
"Look at you, Yoongi. You can't even open a water bottle." You pointed out. He let out a sigh and ignored you again. He tried to open it before giving up and letting out a short yell, throwing the water bottle on to the floor. He was getting annoyed with himself, and it was because he wasn't giving himself the proper time to heal. He wasn't allowing himself to recover.
"What do you want me to do Y/N? Give up?" Yoongi's voice was starting to raise more and you knew he was getting angrier, but you had to get him to say he wouldn't do it.
"Of course I'm don't want to you to give up. That's the last thing I want." You couldn't help it as your voice match his in volume and the two of you quickly began to yell at each other.
"If I don't do this fight I'm giving up my entire career. Do you understand that?"
"Of course I understand Yoongi, you don't understand. The only thing I want-"
"Is for me to give up. You want me to give up everything I have ever worked for just to make yourself happy."
"I want you alive Yoongi! I don't want to get a phone call from your manager saying that you've died because some brawny idiot decided to hit you a few extra times and puncture a lung!" You paused to let in a breath and you could see Yoongi's eyes widen. "I spend every night scared out of my mind wondering if you'll come home or if it'll be the day I get a phone call. I swear to god Yoongi if you take this fight, I'm leaving, because I'm not going to sit here and watch you get hurt anymore."
Silence flooded through the room and the only sound that could be heard was your labored breaths as you tried to calm down. You couldn't handle the pain anymore of watching Yoongi get hurt over and over again and not being able to do anything about it. The only thing you wanted was for him to be safe and you wouldn't be able to live with yourself if he got badly hurt because of this.
"I won't take it, okay. Just please, please don't go." There were tears in Yoongi's eyes as the words escaped his lips and you could barely hold yourself up anymore. You sat down on the bench behind you and let your head fall into your hands. Your own tears started to fall down your face and as you sat quietly you felt a pair of arms wrap around you and pull you close.
You rested your head on Yoongi's chest and let his breaths lift you up and down. His hand ran gently along your arm, trying to offer you comfort after the argument, because he knew just how much you hated arguing and yelling at each other. Yoongi took a deep breath and pressed a kiss to your temple, his lips shaky against your skin.
"I just don't want to lose you, and I'm sorry I didn't realize sooner." He whispered, resting his head against yours. You took in a shaky breath and turned your head, pressing a gentle kiss against Yoongi's lips.
"It's okay, Yoongi. I'm not going anywhere."

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