photograph of love | k.s

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When your assignment partner, Yoongi, said that he knew a model, you were expecting him to drag in one of his underground buddies who were all too pretentious and donned in leather. You weren't expecting to see a literal god standing in front of you.
Beside Yoongi, the man look like a giant. He towered over you and your small crew, and his shoulders seemed impossibly wide. He had dark brown, tousled hair with bangs swept gently to the side. You were pretty sure you heard the makeup artist gasp.
But when you looked closer at the man's face, your jaw nearly dropped in shock. You could recognize those wide eyes and plush lips anywhere. The beautiful man standing in front of you was Jin-your first love whom you hadn't seen in nearly a decade.
"Y/N, this is my friend I was talking about," Yoongi said, cutting through the silence that had fallen immediately after Jin's arrival. "This is Jin. He's modelled a few times, but he's not professional."
"Yeah, that's fine," you replied weakly. Inhaling deeply, you tried to put on an air of professionalism. You looked up at Jin and smiled. "Thanks for coming, Jin. It's nice to see you again."
"Again?" Jin repeated, raising an eyebrow. You nearly swooned at the sound of his soft voice. Then, Jin's eyes widened comically. "Y/N? As in Y/N from elementary school?"
"Yep, that's me," you laughed. Jin just stared at you, his mouth hanging open. You were delighted to see that, even if he had transformed into such a handsome man, he was still the dorky kid you had fallen in love with so many years ago. You lifted up your camera from where it hung around your neck. "We can catch up later. Let's get started on this photoshoot before the sun sets."

The photoshoot went well, like you expected it to. The theme was about the end of youth and the transition into adulthood, and you and Yoongi had affectionately titled it "In Bloom." Jin personified this theme quiet well, because despite his young features, he had a certain maturity about him (when he tried).
Your favourite photo you had taken was one of Jin sitting in front of a window, the sky endlessly blue behind him. The sunlight shone brightly, surrounding Jin's frame with a white halo. You thought he looked positively ethereal.
Currently, Yoongi was sitting on the couch of your apartment, which was acting as your studio. The woes of a poor college student. He was editing the photos that you had taken, his brow furrowed in concentration.
You and Jin were taking down the sheets and lighting fixtures you had set up for the shoot, a comfortable silence between the two. But you were practically bursting with questions, and you could tell Jin was, too.
Standing on the tips of your toes, you reached up to detach a white bedsheet from where it was dangling, suspended in the air against the wall by a nail. You couldn't quite reach the top, so you shook the fabric in an attempt to loosen it.
"Here, let me get that," Jin said once he noticed your struggle. He moved behind you and reached for the sheet, grabbing it easily. Jin passed it to you with a smile, and you thanked him quietly.
As you walked away to set the sheet someplace else, your endless stream of questions practically exploded from you.
"So, how have you-" you began.
"Why didn't you-" Jin burst out.
You turned around to look at Jin, who looked a little flustered. As he mumbled an apology, you just laughed. "It's fine," you replied. "You go first."
"I was just wondering why you never called me after you moved," Jin said, his gaze flitting away as he scratched the back of his head sheepishly. "We were really close, and I was pretty upset when I never heard from you."
"I actually, uh, lost the paper you gave me with your phone number during the move," you explained, blushing lightly. "I found out as soon as we got to the new house, and I begged my parents to drive me back. Obviously, they weren't going to drive for another four hours."
"Wow," Jin laughed disbelievingly. "And here I thought you secretly hated me all this time, or something. Eleven-year-old me was so sad!"
"Trust me, I was devastated," you said, returning Jin's smile. "I refused to talk to my parents for a week."
"Well, what a coincidence that we're meeting again now," Jin said after a moment. "I'm really happy to see you again, Y/N."
"Me too!" you agreed cheerily. "I never thought we'd see each other ever again, honestly."
You and Jin were left in silence, smiling goofily at each other. Then, Jin looked away and bit his lip. When he lifted his eyes to look at you again, his expression was nervous.
"I know this is a little sudden," Jin began, his voice tentative. "But would you like to go out for dinner sometime? I know we haven't seen each other in literally ten years, but, I don't know. I just...really missed you."
"Do you a date?" you asked, your cheeks burning.
"Yeah," Jin replied, coughing awkwardly. "We can go as friends if you want. It's just that I, uh, want to date you? If it's not too weird."
"What if I told you I've been in love with you since I was eleven?" you asked boldly, feeling absolutely elated that Jin was interested in you.
"Then I'd say ditto," Jin answered, an easy smile slipping back onto his face.
"If you're going to be be disgusting, do it somewhere else!" Yoongi yelled from the living room, the irritation in his voice unmistakable. "I'm working!"
You and Jin blushed furiously, quickly looking away from each other. But even as you turned, you could do nothing to hide the smile stretching from ear to ear. And, from the corner of your eye, you saw that Jin couldn't hide his, either.

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