love at first sight | m.y

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I slowly woke up, refraining from rubbing my tired eyes as I had already gone through hair and makeup. "Hyung, wake up." I felt the younger boy shake the sleep away from me and I groaned. My vision cleared up after a few blinks and I found myself looking up at Jungkook. "Aish, I was having a good dream too." I mutter, getting up and straightening out my jacket.
The rest of the guys look like they're already to go to the backstage area so I rush over to one of our stylists who happens to be beckoning me over. She sets me up with my mic and I focus in on the TV screen in the corner of the room.
On the screen there are Wendy and Chanyeol, introducing a new girl band to be the next performance. The screen then switches to a live feed of four girls who introduce themselves one at a time. One of them looks particularly nervous and when it gets to her turn, she stutters out, "I'm Y-Y/N. P-please c-ca-re take of me!"
I scoff. She can't even say her own name. How is she supposed to perform. Our stylist eyes me and says, "Why are you staring at her like that?" "Like what?" I ask defensively.
"Like it was love at first sight?" She laughs, resuming her work of concealing my mic wires.
"Haha. Very funny. I was just entertained by her stuttering. Also for the record, love at first sight doesn't exist. Especially not with whatever her name is." "Y/N," she corrects. Whatever.
Our stylist eventually lets me go and I walk over to join the rest of my members.
"I feel so bad," Hoseok says to no one in particular as we walk down the narrow hallway to the side of the stage. "Why? 'Cuz that newbie messed up?" I ask. Why does everybody care so much about her?
"You don't feel bad?" Jimin says from me. "Nope." I say popping my 'p'.
"Why not?" Jungkook asks, slowing down to get in on the conversation. "If you're going to be an idol you should at least act like one. It makes no sense, you're too shy to introduce yourself but you aren't too shy to sing live?" I shake my head, hoping they'll understand my reasoning. "Honestly, she just shouldn't be in this business."
"You're too cold, Hyung." Hoseok says, shaking his head and wagging his finger at me disapprovingly. I just roll my eyes though.
We get to the side of the stage and in front of us are the rookie group about to get on stage and perform. I see Y/N getting scolded by one of her older members and I smirk. Surprise, surprise.
We move forward and take their place once they walk on stage and get into their positions. I turn my head and lean against the wall to watch the Feedback screen, awaiting to be entertained by Y/N's miserable performance.
Instead, I have the air knocked out of my chest when I see something change in her eyes just at the light come on and the music plays. There's a twinkle- lighting energy coming off of her. It wasn't there before but now as I see her dance in-sync, swiftly and perfectly, it's everywhere and it's overwhelming. I can't take my eyes off of her. I follow her dyed pink flame that dances across the screen. There are three other members and a chanting crowd but it's like all of a sudden I have a tunnel vision and all I see is Y/N, moving her body, shaking her hips and twirling across the stage. She's mesmerizing.
And then it's her turn to sing and my heart is shook. Her voice drips off her mic like honey and I don't want her to stop. I'm not listening to the lyrics or trying to analyze the song like I usually do, I'm just listening to the sound of her voice. I'm not looking for flaws because there aren't any. At least I don't think there are because I'm feeling so entranced by her. I'm feeling- I'm feeling- Love?
And then it's over, way too soon for my liking. I see Y/N coming and I start to panic. I want to say something, anything. Good job? No. You were amazing? Understatement. I'm in love with you. Overstatement? Maybe not.
"Hyung, are you okay." Jungkook says shaking me as he did earlier. I had completely tuned out my members, not hearing their praise for Y/N's performance.
I don't reply to Jungkook. Instead I grab a towel from our stylist and make a beeline towards Y/N. As soon as I approach her I get a better look at her and I know I'm in love. She's absolutely gorgeous. I honestly don't care that's she's sweaty at all. I just want to know her.
"Hi." I say handing her the towel. She looks up at me and I smile at how she's returned to that shy girl, completely opposite from the fierce idol who just performed.
"Hi," she replied, a smile taking over her lips.
"I-I just wanted t-to give you- this." Now it's my turn to stutter and it does suck.
She giggles a bit and takes the towel. "Thank you." She says sweetly.
I've never felt this way before but I feel like I just want to keep talking so that I can keep hearing her voice.
"You were phenomenal just now. Absolutely amazing." I say in the most genuine voice I can pull.
I can see her blush now. "Thank you."
In the corner of my eye, I see Namjoon beckoning me over but I ignore them. Then I hear our Bangtan being called over the PA and I groan. I love performing but not right now.
"You should stay and watch Bangtan perform," I say, slowly backing away from her.
"Oh I will. I'm a huge fan." She says playfully and I raise my eyebrow at her. "Oh yeah? Who's your favourite member." We are almost yelling at each other now as we gain more distance.
"I don't know his name. He's really nice and caring from what I've seen. And he raps really well and is an amazing songwriter and composer. Not to mention very cute. I think his name was.. Salt?"
I throw my head back in laughter. "Stay right there. I'll be right back." I wait to see her nod before I join the rest of the members on stage. I ignore all of their teasing and think about what I could do especially for Y/N during this performance. I hope that she'll be there after because even though I literally just met her, I miss her already. I guess there is such a thing as love at first sight.

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