it is what it is | j.h

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It was your last year of high school, something you thought was supposed to be terrifying, but only ended up being amazing. This year surprised you the most, you were offered a place at the university you wanted, you had held outstanding grades, and you had some of the best friends in the entire world.
There was one best friend in particular that you had, who had made the last four years of your life beyond amazing. Who had turned your world upside down with his smile and made it something you could have never asked for. There was so much he gave you, and you would never be able to thank him properly for everything he had done.
Jung Hoseok had become your best friend in your freshman year, and it had stayed that way since then. The only difference between now and then, was now you found yourself lost in his eyes, waiting for every moment that he laughed so your brain could play it on repeat and you could listen to it forever. You had fallen in love with your best friend, and you loved everything about him.
Your attention drifted from the notebook you were writing in to the teacher who was standing at the front of the class. Even though your thoughts were elsewhere you were still managing to copy down the note to review for later. Multi-tasking was easy for you, especially when it involved thoughts of Hoseok.
As the teacher continued to drone on and on about the topic that you were studying, your eyes flickered up to the clock and you realized just how close class was to ending. Everyone around the class had already started packing up their things, and some people were even sitting with their heads down, not paying attention to the last few minutes of the lecture.
You decided it was time for yourself to pack up so you finished writing the last sentence for your notes and closed the front cover of your notebook. The teacher was about to start speaking again before the bell rang and you were dismissed from class. Student after student began rushing out of the class and you calmly followed the crowd.
Lunch was starting and kids were eager to get to their designated tables, but the only thing you wanted to do was see your best friend. The two of you had been discussing what you were going to do for graduation, and you were thinking about how you were going to ask him out.
You decided now was the time. It was now or never. There was something about Hoseok, that you didn't want to leave behind. You knew of his dreams, how he wanted to become a dancer and dance for a living, and you would be willing to support him completely on that. Even if it meant not going to university.
The university you had been wanting to go to was located in London, England, but you were willing to forget all about that for Hoseok. You were willing to stay behind and watch him succeed, because it wasn't a question of if, it was a question of when.
People migrated through the hallway and you let them drag you forward into the lunch room. You took a deep breath as you located your best friend and a smile came over your face. You were sure that he liked you too, all the signs were there. You were completely sure, and it made the nerves go away.
You took a few steps closer to the table when you felt a body brush against you. Your attention differed and you looked up at Namjoon who was standing beside you. Namjoon was friends with you and Hoseok, and spent many lunches with the two of you. He and Hoseok liked to get together and rap sometimes, and you were always there cheering them on.
"You're gonna confess to him, aren't you?" Namjoon asked. He knew about your feelings for Hoseok before you did and he was the one who helped you realize them. You nodded your head and Namjoon gripped your hand gently, holding you back from moving forward.
"What's wrong?" You asked, turning yourself so your body was facing Namjoon. He chewed on his lower lip, indicating that something was bugging him, but you could't tell what.
"There's something you should know, Y/N. And I think I should tell you before you see it." Namjoon's eyes flickered back over to where you had just seen Hoseok sitting and you couldn't help but turn to look at him.
It was the next thing you saw that made your chest tighten and your breathing stop. One second Hoseok was sitting alone, the next he was greeting a girl with a kiss and wrapping his arm around her waist as she sat next to him.
The two of them looked so happy as they sat next to each other, whispering and giggling about something with each other. You couldn't deny that you were heartbroken, but you just swallowed the lump in your throat and turned to Namjoon with a smile. The worry was still obvious in his eyes but you just smiled wider. You weren't going to let this get to you, Hoseok was still your best friend, and as long as he was happy that was all that mattered.
"I'm okay." You whispered quietly, your voice breaking. Despite the unsteadiness in your voice you played it cool with a smile and pulled Namjoon forward, the two of you walking towards the table where the boy you were in love sat with his new girlfriend. You were quiet as you sat down, Hoseok starting conversation with you both.
"Hey, guys this is my new girlfriend, Jihyo." You smiled at the girl and waved slightly, trying to play everything as cool as possible. You weren't going to give away how you were feeling, because it didn't matter to you at this moment.
"So, any news?" Namjoon asked, looking around at everyone. You felt the need to say something, coming to a decision in your head. You knew that you shouldn't have been so rash, but now that it was obvious Hoseok didn't feel the same way about you, you didn't see a reason to pass up this opportunity.
"The university wants me to go to America early before the original date so they can start me on English classes and get me used to the way things work there." The words tumbled out of your mouth and you could feel the eyes of everyone at the table on you.
"How early?" Namjoon asked. The air of curiosity surrounded you and you couldn't help but continue speaking.
"Two weeks." You replied, picking some food out of the bag Namjoon had pulled out of his backpack. You took a bite and chewed silently as Hoseok started talking quickly.
"No. You're not going, you're going to miss graduation." Hoseok answered. He looked at you with pleading eyes but you ignored them.
"Hoseok, this is what she's been dreaming of, you really want to keep her here when she could go and do something amazing." Namjoon replied. Hoseok looked taken aback by his best friend and you knew that Namjoon was angry for you.
"The school said they were willing to let me graduate earlier, that way I can go." You explained.
"You're not seriously thinking about this, are you?" Hoseok asked. He was staring at you with an emotion you couldn't place, and it was confusing you. You weren't sure how to feel anymore by Hoseok's actions. You had never seen him this way, always used to his happy go lucky persona that was him.
"Yes I am. Hoseok this is a once in a life time opportunity." You pointed out.
"Hoseok, she's your best friend, let her live her life and cheer her on." The girl beside Hoseok finally spoke and you couldn't help but feel a little grateful for her. With just a few words you had come to like the girl, and you knew she would be good for him. He looked down at her before nodding to himself and sitting back in his chair.
"You better stay in contact, or else." He warned. It was childish and it made everyone laugh, but you couldn't help but still feel the ache deep in your chest, at seeing the two of them together. It hurt, but you knew it would be better like this.

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