lessons in love | k.t

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"I don't know if this is a good idea," you frowned, looking at your friend, Yuna, who had dragged you to her mathematics study group. "You know I'm terrible at math."
"So this is a chance to learn!" Yuna answered with a smile. "We'll help you study, it's not a problem."
"You and your friends are so smart," you whined as Yuna dragged you through the library towards the private rooms. "I'll look so dumb in comparison."
"Trust me, they're not like that!" Yuna comforted, finally stopping in front of a closed door. It led to the room her study group booked every Wednesday. "Besides, you're like the English god, so if anyone needs help with that you can pay back the favour."
"If you're sure," you conceded, albeit hesitantly. Yuna nodded enthusiastically and turned the knob, swinging the door open to reveal the small room behind.
There was a single table surrounded by three other students. One girl, who you vaguely recognized, was sitting closest to the door. The head of the table was a boy named Namjoon, the certified genius on campus. Beside him was another boy, but this one you didn't recognize.
He had messy brown hair and tanned skin. His lips were a little pouty, and his nose was strong. When your gaze traveled up, you saw that his dark, long eyes were ringed by thick eyelashes. He was also staring right back at you.
Blushing, you quickly averted your gaze and turned uncomfortably to Yuna.
"Hey guys!" she chirped. "This is my friend, Y/N. She's in the other class, so that's probably why you don't recognize her."
"Just to preface this, I'm pretty shit at math," you said, wanting to address your discomfort immediately. "I know you guys are all really smart but I don't want you to think I'm, like, taking advantage of you. If you need help in literally any other subject, I'm here."
"Nah, no worries," Namjoon responded with an easy smile. "We're not math elitists or some shit. I'm Namjoon, by the way."
"I'm Jisoo," the girl added dully, briefly glancing up from her laptop in front of her. You smiled, but Jisoo turned back to her screen too quickly to catch it.
You turned to the handsome boy beside Namjoon, waiting for him to introduce himself. He blinked owlishly at you for a moment, his face expressionless. Slowly, his eyes met yours and his mouth began to open.
"Your shirt looks weird," he said. You looked down at your t-shirt, which had a print of an old anime series you used to watch.
"I, uh-you-okay?" you spluttered, confused by the boy's comment.
"What the hell, Tae?" Namjoon asked, bewildered. He turned to his friend, his eyes narrowed. "I thought you liked-ow!"
The boy turned to glare at his friend, and when you looked back at Yuna in confusion, she just rolled her eyes at you.
"Just ignore Taehyung," Yuna snorted, grabbing your arm and leading you to the table. She pulled you down into the seat beside hers and turned to address the group. "So! Let's start reviewing for the quiz next week."

You glanced at the clock beside your computer. It read 3:04 AM. Groaning, you looked at the stacks of sheets in front of you, and then at the textbook filled with highlighted text and sticky notes. But for the hours you had spent studying, you learned next to nothing.
In a moment of desperation, you logged into Facebook and open your study group chat, which you had been added to after your first sit-in.
Y/N 3:06 AM
SOS!!! Is anyone online!!!
Tae Tae 3:10 AM
ya sup
Y/N 3:11 AM
I don't understand anything??? Pls help
Immediately after you hit "enter," Taehyung viewed the message. But no response came, and the typing bubble didn't appear either. You broke out into a nervous sweat, overwhelmed by the fast approaching quiz and your lack of understanding of math in general.
Then, a message notification popped up onto your screen. Taehyung had messaged you separately from the group chat.
Taehyung 3:14 AM
lets just dm. dont wanna annoy the others
Y/N 3:14 AM
Taehyung 3:15 AM
so what don't u understand?
Y/N 3:16 AM
Everything!!!! All the stuff we went over last meeting has completely left my brain.
Taehyung 3:17 AM
ok prepare urself this is gonna be a long lesson
So, for the next hour, Taehyung did his best to explain the different concepts and methods to you, while you scribbled notes furiously on your worn notebook. By the time he had went through all the material, your hand was throbbing and it was well past 4AM.
Y/N 4:37 AM
Thank you sooooooo much Taehyung! I owe you my life
Taehyung 4:38 AM
no thnx
Y/N 4:39 AM
Ok, rude. But seriously, thanks. I don't know what I would have done otherwise
Taehyung 4:39 AM
no probs. but u owe me now so don't forget
Y/N 4:40 AM
I won't!!!!! You're the best!
Taehyung changed your nickname to "idiot."

The day of the quiz came quickly, but when you sat down at your desk, you felt more relaxed than in any other math class. This time, you were actually prepared and confident in your abilities. So when the quiz arrived, you whizzed through every page.
Everything Taehyung had explained to you was on the quiz. You were sure that if you found the quiz easy, Taehyung could probably do it in his sleep. Even though you thought he was a bit annoying, he still had saved your ass.
When the test period finally finished, you grabbed all your belongings and darted from the testing centre. You spotted one of your friends, Jungkook, dashing towards the exit as well.
"Hey, Jungkook!" you called. He turned around, and once he spotted you, he smiled and waited for you to catch up. "How was the quiz?"
"You know I'm the fucking worst at math," Jungkook scowled, crossing his arms as you walked together. "Fuck, why is this a mandatory course. I'm in liberal arts for a reason."
"Tell me about it," you replied, laughing humourlessly. "Luckily, this time I had help. The quiz wasn't so-"
"Y/N!" someone yelled suddenly, their deep voice booming throughout the hall. Startled, you glanced up, spotting Taehyung a few meters away from you. He hurried over, nearly tripping over himself in the process. "How'd the quiz go?"
"Really well, actually," you replied. "Everything you explained to me was on it, so I could answer all the questions."
"No way," Jungkook snorted. "Y/N, good at math? That's fucking new."
"What the fuck?" Taehyung growled, narrowing his eyes at Jungkook. "Watch yourself, you prick. Y/N isn't stupid."
"Woah, chill man," Jungkook replied, putting his hands up in surrender. "I was making a joke. Calm yourself."
"Let's all just relax a little bit!" you exclaimed tightly, grabbing Taehyung's arm and pulling him away from a very volatile Jungkook. He put up little resistance, letting himself be led around the building. When you reached an emptier hallway, you stopped and look back at Taehyung. "What was that all about?"
"He was implying you were stupid," Taehyung mumbled, his eyes downcast. "And you tried really hard to study for this quiz."
"You probably tried harder than me, if I'm being honest," you said. "Plus, you call me stupid all the time. Are you the only one who can say that?"
"No," he muttered, still unable to meet your eyes. He said something, but he was speaking too quietly for you to understand.
"Sorry, what did you say?"
"I said," Taehyung began, clearing his throat awkwardly, "your hair looks bad."
Reflexively, you reached for your long hair. You had slept with it in a bun last night, so your hair fell in loose waves. Objectively, you knew it looked pretty nice. You looked at Taehyung, confused, but when you saw his expression, suddenly everything clicked.
His cheeks were dusted in pink, and his eyes were darting around everywhere but your face.
"Are you-are you hitting on me?" you asked slowly. Taehyung's cheeks darkened into a deeper red, and he bit his lip. "Oh my god, seriously? Are you twelve or something?"
"What!?" Taehyung whined. "You're cute and it's intimidating! What else can I do?"
"Ask me for my number or something?" you suggested, trying to hold back laughter. "Like a normal person our age?"
"Well, if that's the case," Taehyung said, finally lifting his gaze to your face as he scratched his nape awkwardly, "can I cash in my favour for your number?"
"I think I can do that," you smiled, reaching for Taehyung's phone once he fished it out of his pocket. "I might even say yes to a date, too."

hey dumbo

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