valentine's date disaster | j.h

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I was putting the finishing touches on my makeup when I heard my cell phone ring. I quickly ran over, anticipating my boyfriend's call. It was Valentine's Day and no matter how many times I assured him that I was okay with staying home, J-Hope insisted we spend our night out. I was almost ready and expecting him to pick me up soon.
I answered the phone call saying, "Hey babe, are you downstairs?"
He sighed heavily, "No, Y/N, I'm so sorry, I got in a small accident." I gasped. "Oh no! Are you okay?"
"Yeah, I'm alright. Just a fender-bender," he laughed dryly. "Let's just stay home tonight, I underst-" I started but Hoseok immediately cut me off. "No!" he said frantically."Absolutely not. I've been planning this for weeks. We are not having a repeat of last year." I laughed awkwardly, thinking of the year before, the day Hoseok deemed to be an embarrassment to his manhood. He took me to this really bougie restaurant and ordered this drink I couldn't even pronounce after I called him a light weight. Long story short, he ended up completely wasted. He had forgotten his wallet also and I too didn't have mine because he had assured me he was going to cover it. I had to beg the owner to trust me to come back and pay for the bill before he could call the cops. That drink Hoseok ordered ended up being $700 and he puked it all over me when I was getting him into the car.
"Okay, Hobbie. I'll wait for you untill the car matter is settled."
"Thanks Y/N, I promise it'll be worth it." He then started to make kissy noises into the phone. "Oh, God, the woman I bumped into is staring at me. Gotta go." Then the line went dead. Welp, at least I have more time to perfect my makeup i thought.
Two hours later, I was sitting on my couch flipping through the channels, all dressed and ready to go but waiting for Hoseok. I had called him so many times but his phone just kept going to his answering machine. I picked up my phone to check the time; 11:25pm. I wanted to stay home but I didn't want to be alone. Just then, there was knock on the door. I ran over and opened it to reveal a worn out Hoseok.
"What happened?" I exclaimed. He was panting. The tie of the suit he was wearing was loosened and he had his jacket over his shoulder. "I had to walk here. The officer said my car wasn't safe to be on the roads so I had to go with them to the Tow-truck lot and sign in my car and pay a fine. And then I realized I left my phone there so I had to get out of my cab and go back for it." He said in one breath.
I rubbed his shoulder soothingly. "Awee, Hoseok, come in and take a re-"
"No!" He grabbed my hand and led me down my apartment hallway. "We are still having this date." It was kind of cute, the way he was determined to impress me.
We got to the large, tall building. I recognized it immediately as I had mentioned the restaurant, Oh Chante, months ago to Hoseok. "Hoseok...." I drawed tilting my head and looking at him lovingly. He kissed my temple and led the way, smirking.
He led us to the front of the restaurant and spoke to the employee behind the podium. "Hi there, we are a bit late for our reservation. It should be under, Bang." Of course he had to use Bang PD to get us in here; it was a pretty exclusive restaurant.
"I'm sorry sir, but it seems we've already seated someone under this reservation." The employee then pointed at a couple at a table in the center of the restaurant. I immediately recognized them to be Suga and his girlfriend. Hoseok let go of my head and stalked over to the table.
"Yoongi, what the hell?!" He yelled so loud a couple of heads turned.
Yoongi looked alarmed but then immediately recovered his composure. "Sorry?" he asked, pretending to be oblivious. I scoffed. Yoongi was too much.
"Are you kidding me, right now? I told you to ask Bang Pd for the reservation for me! And then you go behind my back and take it? I swear to God I'm going to kill you."
Two male employees came over to the table. "Sir, is this man disturbing you?" they asked Yoongi. "Well he just threatened me so I would say so." Yoongi shrugged.
I tugged on Hoseok's arm. I really didn't want to be humiliated and escorted out of a restaurant.
Hoseok said a quick, "Whatever", grabbed my hand and we stalked out of the restaurant .
Outside we were greeted by the cold wind. I cuddled closer to Hoseok as we walked down the street together. "Don't worry about it Hoseok. I'm just touched that you put so much thought into this."
Hoseok groaned. "I baked you a cake this morning and dropped off this morning so they could bring it out to us." I immediately halted our walking and brought Hoseok's lips down to my own. No one had ever done something so romantic for me. In our kiss, I hoped that he would understand how grateful I was to have him. I pulled back and smiled, nudging my nose against his. "I love you," I said.
Eventually we decide to eat at the second most bougie restaurant in town, McDonald's. We got two big-macs, one smarties and one oreo mcflurries and my favourite, the Shamrock shake which they were coloring pink in commemoration of Valentine's Day.
It was a great evening despite everything that happened. We pretended like we were at Oh Chante, making up ridiculous pretentious conversations we figured the people there must have been saying.
"Y/N, you must have some of this Sham-rogh shack. It's delicately tasteful." Hoseok said stirring the drink with the straw.
"I will. I swear on my life, I will. But first it is absolutely necessary that you try this delightful ensemble they call the.. Large mac?" Hoseok and I burst into laughter at that.
The night ended with us feeding fries to each other and Hoseok telling me that he loved me too.

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