play pretend | j.k

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"It's getting worse," you whined, star-fishing on the floor of Jungkook's dorm. He stepped over your legs, sitting on an area of the carpet that you weren't occupying. "This guy literally won't leave me alone."
"Just threaten to report him for sexual harassment," Jungkook suggested. He shook his head violently, his wet hair sending droplets of water everywhere. He had just finished showering in preparation for your (academically irresponsible) movie marathon.
"With what evidence?" you sighed, pulling yourself into a sitting position. You pulled your knees up to your chest. "He's not a bad guy, I don't think. He's just too nice and it's really creepy."
"Well, you know what I do about my problems," Jungkook laughed, turned towards his small TV, scrolling through Netflix. "Ignore them until they go away."
"You're not helping!" you shrieked, stretching out a leg to kick Jungkook in the side. He toppled over, laughing as he went.
"I don't know what you expect me to do about this," he said after righting himself.
"Maybe be a little supportive," you pouted, turning your attention to the television. Jungkook was browsing through the different genres. As he skipped over the Romantic Comedy section, an idea dawned on you. A brilliant idea. "Jungkook."
Your friend turned to you reluctantly, recognizing your tone of voice. He knew it meant something bad for him. "Please, no," he whispered.
"I've got a plan," you shared, completely ignoring what Jungkook had just said. "You're going to pretend to be my boyfriend. You're going to pick me up from class in a romantic fashion. Then, the creep will get the message and leave me alone."
"I-I don't know, Y/N," Jungkook stammered, eyes widening before avoiding yours. "I'm not sure if that's a good idea. Why don't you tell him up front that you're not interested?"
"You think I haven't tried that?" you snorted. You crawled over to where Jungkook was sitting and latched onto his arm. "Please? For your best friend? Plus, you owe me a favour from May 6th, 2009-if I recall correctly."
"Don't bring that day up ever again," Jungkook replied automatically, cringing at the memory. He heaved a heavy sigh and chewed on his bottom lip. You could tell he was about to give in. "Fine. This is a big favour you're cashing in, so you better not regret this."
"Thanks, Kookie!" you beamed, engulfing his frame in a hug. He stiffened underneath you-never one for physical affection-and you let him go. You moved back to your original spot, turing back to the TV. "Put on some rom coms. We need to do research."

In retrospect, you realized Jungkook was right. This was not a very good idea. Asking your friend to pretend to be your boyfriend for the sake of fending off pursuers? Not the best idea. Asking your best friend, whom you've been harbouring a secret crush on for years? The worst idea.
Currently, he had an arm wrapped securely around your waist, somewhat shielding your body with his larger one. Your breathing was strained as you tried to keep it steady, which was nearly impossible with Jungkook's closeness. Jungkook was not bothered by the proximity, more occupied with glaring daggers at the boy who had refused to leave you alone.
"And who are you, exactly?" Jungkook spat, every word laced with venom. You weren't entirely sure if this was an act, since Jungkook had walked in when the boy was getting particularly handsy.
"J-just a classmate," the boy stuttered, cowering away from Jungkook's wrath. He turned his gaze to you accusingly. "You didn't say you had a boyfriend."
"Didn't realize I had to," you responded coldly, raising an eyebrow in challenge.
"Bitch," the boy spat, turning on his heel to walk away.
You gasped as Jungkook lunged forward and jerked the boy back by the shoulder. Your classmates nearby stilled at Jungkook's aggression. He pushed the boy into the wall, the latter's head thumping quite loudly against it.
"If you ever say that again," Jungkook hissed, the veins on his arms popping out as he gripped the boy's collar, "I'll fucking kill you."
"You're crazy, man," the boy nearly screamed, wiggling out of Jungkook's grasp and running out of the room. The spectators eyed Jungkook cautiously, but the boy paid them no mind.
"Let's get out of here, Y/N," Jungkook huffed, still fuming. He grabbed your hand, interlacing your fingers with his, and led you out of the classroom. "You didn't tell me that guy was a fucking asshole."
"It's usually not that bad. Don't be angry. But thank you, it really means a lot to me," you smiled, walking quickly to match Jungkook's long strides. As you strode through the busy hallways, you couldn't help but glance at your interlocked hands. "Uh, Jungkook? You don't have to keep holding my hand."
"I want to," Jungkook said simply, giving your hand a slight squeeze.
"If I didn't know better, I'd think you actually were in love with me!" you joked, trying to ignore the butterflies Jungkook's admission had caused.
Suddenly, Jungkook stopped walking. He pulled you to a stop as well, leaving the two of you in close proximity. Jungkook bit his lip, but his eyes pierced into yours. Almost unnoticeably, Jungkook took an unsteady intake of breath.
"What if I told you I've been in love with you since I was eleven?" he whispered, his grip on your hand tightening.
Your eyes widened and your breath caught in your throat. "Are you being serious?" you choked out. Jungkook nodded shyly, a light blush donning his cheeks.
A huge smile illuminated your face, and you felt your heart soar. "Well, I would be the happiest person alive," you laughed, "cause I've been in love with you since then, too."
Jungkook returned your smile with a beautiful one of his own-it made his eyes crinkle and showed all of his teeth, and it was perfect. The two of you leaned into each other's space, Jungkook's hands coming to rest around your waist. He looked into your eyes, searching.
"Do you want to kiss as bad as I do right now?" Jungkook asked with a cheeky smile.
"Fuck, yes," you breathed.
Then his lips met yours, and everything was right in the world.

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