bodyguard | j.k

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Your arms were crossed over your chest as you stared the man across the room down. His eyes were focused anywhere but you, not because he was shy or embarrassed to be around you, but because he didn't think any of it would be worth his time. The only thing you were to him was another paycheck, and as long as the bills were paid, he had no reason to complain.
On the other hand, you had every right. Ever since your father had hired the Jeon man to watch over you, your life had come to a halt. You were used to going out late at night and partying with strangers, but with him looking after you, you barely got out of the house without a follower. No matter where you went, he was there following after you.
The reason for the meeting now, one between your father and the Jeon man, was because of your latest escape attempts. Jeon had gone to lay down, thinking you had taken a nap and he had let his guard down. You left within seconds of him falling asleep and you thought that you had finally out smarted him, that you were finally going to be able to have a night to yourself.
You weren't expecting the men who were going to basically kidnap you. The moment you were left unsupervised, you found hands on you pulling you into a car you didn't recognize and you lost your way. A blindfold had covered your eyes but you could hear the sounds of what they had been talking about, something about using you against your father.
The next moment you were able to see there was the scent of smoke flowing into your lungs and a pair of arms pulling you up. Jeon had found you through ways you hadn't even imagined and he had come to get you. As much as you were grateful, you were frustrated that you had gotten into the situation in the first place. You just wanted things to go back to normal, but ever since your dad announced the his newest international deal it seemed like everyone was out to get him.
"You had one job Jeon, protect my daughter, and what was the one thing you didn't do?" Your father was yelling at this point, and you knew it was because of you. Your father had found out about what had happened immediately and had called you and Jeon in, trying to find out how it had happened.
"With all due respect sir, your daughter was the one who-"
"You want to blame my daughter for this? You think she would purposely put herself into danger?" Your father had stood up and slammed his hands on the desk causing both you and Jeon to jump. You hadn't been expecting the anger from him, but you could see just how much your safety meant. "I guess I'm just going to have to hire someone who actually knows how to do their job because clearly you can't!"
You thought back to when you had been blindfolded and what was going through your head. Despite not liking Jeon, you felt safe in that moment. There was something about having him there that mad you feel better and safe and not like you had to worry about what would happen next. You couldn't let your dad get rid of Jeon for something that was your fault.
"Dad." You spoke up, attracting your fathers attention and Jeon's eyes. They locked on you and there was a sense of guilt that flooded through you. "I was the one who snuck out and got into trouble. I didn't realize just how serious it was and you shouldn't be firing Jeon because he was the one who found me and got me out of there before they could kill me."
Your father stared at you for a minute before letting out a large sigh and looking down at the ground. He sat down in his chair, defeated, ignoring the looks of everybody in the room. Of course he had been suspecting you to rebel at some point as you were just finishing your teens, but he hadn't been expecting it like this. He wanted to believe that you were smarter than that.
"Get her out of here Jeon." Your father spoke quietly but Jeon had heard, quickly making his move and gripping your arm in his hand. He pulled roughly and dragged you out of the room. As the door's shut behind the two of you, you wretched your arm out of Jungkook's grip and he spun on his heel to turn and grab you again. You dodged his hand and gave him a glare.
"No 'thank you'. I just saved your ass in there and your going to drag me out and ignore me?" You asked angrily. You were starting to get pissed off with the way Jeon had been treating you. The entire time he had been watching over you he had been treating you like a child and acting like you couldn't make a single decision for yourself. He had practically ruined your life when it wasn't his to interfere with.
"The last thing you deserve is a thank you considering you're also the one who almost cost me my job. Now get in the car so I can drive you home." He said, motioning to the car that was situated outside the doors of the building.
"Like hell I'm going anywhere with you. All you've been doing since you got this job is ruin my life, and I'm getting absolutely sick of it. Why can't you just mind your own damn business and let me do what I want?" Jeon stared at you for a second, the veins on his neck starting to stand out. You could tell he was getting incredibly angry but you wouldn't allow yourself to back down.
"The last time you did something you want you almost got yourself killed, and as long as your father is paying me to protect you I promised to myself that I would not let anything hurt you, do you understand? Now stop acting like a brat and get in the god damn car!" You were surprised the moment he started yelling and you couldn't deny there was a part of you terrified to be in the room with him.
There was something that flashed behind his eyes that made your chest tighten and fear run through your veins. It coursed through your entire body and you knew that you shouldn't mess around anymore. It was time to do what he wanted without arguing. You stared at him for another second, trying to will your body to move and the moment your legs moved you were walking towards the doors.
Footsteps rung out behind you but you couldn't look back, you wanted the feelings of fear to pass before anything else happened. In that moment you had become more afraid of Jeon than any other threat that could possibly harm you, and for now you would listen to what he said, because you didn't want to ever see him that angry again.

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