is that my bra? | j.k

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It was the last weekend before school started again. You and your best friend, Mina, were having a sleepover to mourn the end of summer.
You both lay stretched over Mina's unmade bed, music from her speakers playing softly in the background. It was some indie-sounding song about pilots or something.
"Wanna watch a movie?" Mina asked, growing bored of doing nothing. You had rotated between binge-watching Gilmore Girls, eating, and doing karaoke for the past several hours. "I'm feeling Superbad, what about you?"
"Whatever," you agreed easily, reaching for Mina's laptop that was sitting on the nightstand. When you tried to turn it on, you were met with a black screen. "I think your laptop just died."
Mina groaned in frustration, rolling off the bed to locate her charger. She pulled the chord out from under her bed and tossed it to you.
"This old piece of shit takes ten hours to charge," Mina sighed. She reached for her phone, which was luckily still charged. "We're gonna have to use the Chromecast on my TV."
Mina had a small flatscreen TV attached to her wall. Her older brother, Jungkook, used to use it for gaming. He recently bought a new display, passing along the old TV to Mina. Unfortunately, Mina was technologically inept, leaving you to set everything up.
You sat up, wincing as your bones cracked after hours of inactivity. Stretching, you stood up and inspected the back of the TV. The Chromecast wasn't plugged in. You voiced this issue out loud.
"Oh, right," Mina said sheepishly. "Jungkook probably has it. I think he borrowed it awhile ago. Can you go get it? I'm too comfortable to move."
You hesitated. You hadn't talked to Jungkook very often in these past few years. You had been close when you were much younger, but the two year age gap seemed to grow infinitely larger once Jungkook had started university. He had also started working out and was intimidatingly good looking.
Mina sensed your nervousness and balked. "Oh my god, Y/N," she screeched, throwing a pillow in your general direction. "Do not tell me you're nervous about Jungkook. You've known him forever! Even back when he had that stupid haircut. And during the emo phase!"
"You had an emo phase, too!" you retaliated, throwing the pillow back at Mina. You succeeded in hitting her directly in the face.
"We all did!" Mina screamed, sitting up and flailing her arms. "We've seen each other at our worst! There's no shame anymore."
"But Jungkook's just so hot now," you whispered, covering your your flaming cheeks with your hands. "And he's in university. You know, an older man."
Mina stifled her wail with the pillow. "Don't talk to me about my brother ever again," she grumbled defeatedly. "We're going to university next year. It's no big deal. Just go get the damn Chromecast so we can watch the movie and forget this ever happened."
You sighed and shuffled out of Mina's room. Jungkook's bedroom was at the very end of the hall. Taking in Mina's earlier words, you knew you had no reason to be embarrassed in front of Jungkook. No matter how hot he was.
Taking a deep breath, you knocked on his door.
"Come in," Jungkook called out.
Tentatively, you turned the doorknob and peeked into his room. Jungkook was stretched out on his bed, playing on his cell phone. One arm was propping up his head, and his muscular biceps were sinful.
"Uh," you said eloquently. "Hi?"
"Oh, Y/N," Jungkook smiled, looking up at you. He sat up and set his phone aside. "What's up?"
"I was wondering if you had the Chromecast," you explained, wringing your hands to distract from your nervousness. "Mina said-"
Something hanging of Jungkook's bedpost caught your eye. It was a Pokeball bra, shamelessly on display. It was also terrifyingly familiar.
"Is that my bra?" you squeaked, incredulous.
Jungkook followed your line of vision and blushed furiously. "Oh, fuck! It's yours?" Jungkook hissed. He snatched it from the bedpost and threw it at you. You caught it with fumbling hands. "Fuck, I swear it's not what you think. I'm not stealing your bras."
"Can you elaborate?" you asked, on the borderline of shrieking. You clutched your favourite bra awkwardly by your side, not sure what to do with it.
"I found it in the laundry last week," Jungkook said, refusing to meet your eyes. "It's too big Mina's, so I figured a, uh, friend, left it here on the weekend. I didn't know you were here."
"Are you sleeping with people who wear Pokeball bras?" you squealed, slightly embarrassed by the fact Jungkook had seen your most childish undergarment. Your eyes snapped to Jungkook's, reeling at what he just said. "Oh my god! Have you been bringing girls over the entire time?"
Jungkook shrugged, finally maintaining eye contact. "Our parents are travelling, so whatever," he smirked. "Is it bothering you? I'm not too loud."
"I don't need to know! I don't need to know," you chanted as you backed out of the room. Turning on your heel, you hurried down the hall, back to the safety of Mina's room.
"Hey, Y/N!" Jungkook called after you, his voice taking on a teasing quality. "It's a cute bra. I wouldn't mind seeing you in it sometime."
And if you took Jungkook up on that offer a few weeks later...well, no one had to know.

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