what comes next | k.t

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He was surprised when you first told him, and then he was fine with it. It wasn't what you were expecting but you were grateful he understood. When you told him the news about you being pregnant, you were sure he was going to judge you, he was going to leave, but then he stayed.
Jungkook was your best friend, and someone you could always count on. So when you told him that Taehyung, your boyfriend of three years now, had gotten you pregnant, he accepted it. He didn't say anything bad, nothing along the lines of "you're too young". He told you that it was okay and that he would support you the entire way through.
There were some things you didn't want to talk about, and that was when you would break the news to Taehyung. At first you had been scared, and there were a lot of times Jungkook would have to come over and calm you down. You were terrified that you being pregnant could ruin everything for Taehyung.
The last thing you wanted to do was ruin his career. You knew he had worked so hard tog et to where he was and you weren't going to be the reason he stopped. There was a part of you that felt bad though, because Jungkook was the one who was helping you, even though it had nothing to do with him, and for that you were thankful.
He had promised to keep it a secret from Taehyung, not wanting to worry you anymore than you already were. For now it was a secret between the two of you.
It was two months into the pregnancy, and you had already started to notice the baby bump starting. There was a little bit of a belly forming and you found yourself holding your stomach anytime you had the chance. When Taehyung would come over you found yourself moving his hands to your stomach even though he had no idea what was going on.
You knew what was going to have to happen soon. The bump would become even more obvious and you wouldn't be able to hide it from Taehyung anymore. At some point you would have to break it off with Taehyung, so that he would be able to focus on his career. You weren't going to ruin it for him.
You were in your room, looking through your dresser for a pair of jeans with the phone pressed to your ear. Taehyung had called you a few minutes ago and you hadn't hesitated to answer.
"Why can't you just ditch Jungkook? I haven't seen you in days." Taehyung whined. You rolled your eyes but a small smile played on your lips.
"I can't Tae, I'm sorry. This is really important." You replied. You were going to the doctors today for your first ultrasound and Jungkook had told you he would come with you. Of course you were excited to find out how your baby was doing, but that meant lying to Taehyung that you were going to be hanging out with Jungkook instead of with him.
"You're always hanging out with him. It's never just us anymore." Taehyung replied. His whining tone had become frustrated and you understood it, but you couldn't miss today.
"I'm really sorry Tae. I promise we can hang out tomorrow okay?" You questioned.
"Whatever." The line went dead as Taehyung hung up the phone and you were slightly taken aback. It was like Taehyung to be so rude like that, and it shocked you. Never once had he hung up on you without saying I love you, even when you were in fights.
Within the three years of your relationship, this was the first time something like this had happened. You were worried slightly but you pushed the thoughts out of your head as you slid on your jeans and heard a knock at your door.
It was Jungkook. He had been waiting for you to finish changing that way the two of you could head to the appointment. You opened the door and gave him a smile, heading to the door of your apartment and locking it behind you.

The appointment had gone smoothly, the doctor saying everything was going perfectly. There wasn't a single flaw in your pregnancy and that helped lower your stress. So much had been going on recently, that you had been feeling a little more high strung than usual.
It was when you got back to your apartment that things started to change. You walked up to the door and pulled out your keys only to find that the door was unlocked. You looked back at Jungkook who shrugged and offered the idea that maybe you hadn't locked it when you left.
It wasn't like you to forget something so simple, but the whole pregnancy thing had kind of changed how you had been acting lately. Your mood switched more often, and you were sometimes moodier than others. You walked into your apartment and took off your jacket, hanging it up in the closet. As you kicked off your shoes you noticed another pair sitting by the door and you felt confusion flood through you.
"Tae! Are you here?" You called out. There was no reply as you walked further into your apartment. You walked into the living room and recognized Taehyung sitting on the couch, looking down at the ground. He was quiet, and not like his usual self. There was a tension in the room that greeted you, and Jungkook seemed to notice it right away.
"Taehyung, is everything okay?" Jungkook's voice rung out through the silence but Taehyung didn't say anything. Before you could ask again Taehyung looked up at you and you noticed the tears in his eyes.
"How long has it been going on for?" He asked. The question surprised you, and you were confused by what he meant. You had no idea what he was talking about, and his tears worried you.
"Tae, what are you talking about?" You questioned. You were hoping to get a response, one that made sense but Taehyung only laughed. It wasn't like his usual laugh, this one sounding pained.
"Don't play dumb with me Y/N. Jimin told me he spent the night here, now tell me how long it's been happening." Taehyung's words sounded like he was pleading for an answer. Something to explain the pain in his chest and make it stop. Something that would change it to anger so he wouldn't have to feel helpless.
"I don't know what you're insinuating Taehyung, but there's nothing going on between Y/N and I." Jungkook offered, trying to make some sense of the situation. You were slowly starting to realize what was going on and you knew what Taehyung was thinking.
"Don't lie to me Jungkook, I am so done with the two of you always lying to me. I just want to know how long you've been cheating on me." The last part of the sentence was directed towards you and you felt tears prick in your eyes. You were upset that Taehyung had assumed something like this.
"I'm not cheating on you Taehyung, do you really want to know why I've been spending so much time with Jungkook?" You knew that there was no other way you were going to convince Taehyung about this, because you understood that if you were in his place you would have been thinking the same thing. No matter how much it hurt for you now, you knew it hurt so much more for him.
"Yes. That's all I've been asking for." Taehyung answered. It was the sound of his voice cracking that hurt the most. Knowing that he was giving up all of his fight just to learn what was really happening. To know that all he wanted was the truth and you had been feeding him lies.
"I'm pregnant." You pulled the small envelope from your bag and handed it to Taehyung. "These are photos from the ultrasound that I had today. That's why I've been spending so much time with Jungkook. I was too scared to tell you because I didn't want to ruin your career, that I was never going to tell you. My plan was to eventually break up with you and make you hate me so you wouldn't have to worry about it."
You couldn't help yourself as you let everything spill. You decided that it was time to let him know everything, because it was better than lying to him the entire time. Taehyung was in shock as he looked at the pictures from your ultrasound.
Not a single sound came from either of yours or Taehyung's mouth. Jungkook was silent as well. The entire room seemed to just steal the last remnants of sound so all you could hear was the sound of your heart beat.
Taehyung looked up at you and took a deep breath.
"I'm sorry, Y/N. And I'm sorry Jungkook. I was just scared that I was going to loose you guys, I didn't mean to assume you were cheating on me." Taehyung said, wiping away his tears. You took a few steps closer to him and pulled him in for a hug, finally feeling him hug you tightly.
"I'm sorry I never told you. I should have told you right away." You whispered quietly. Taehyung squeezed you once more before letting out a small laugh. It seemed that now things were cleared up, Taehyung could finally breathe properly, and he was excited for what was going to come next.
"How long?" Taehyung asked, pulling away and looking down at your stomach. Now that he knew the truth, he realized just how big you were starting to get, and he could feel the excitement bubbling up within him.
"Two months." You answered, a smile coming across your own face. Taehyung laughed again and placed his hand gently on your stomach. He locked eyes with you and kissed you gently, causing a gagging sound to happen next to you.
"You two are disgustingly cute." Jungkook muttered quietly, causing both of you to laugh. "Come on losers, let's throw on a movie. I'll go make snacks."
You watched as Jungkook walked into your kitchen and you felt more relaxed than you had in weeks. Now that Taehyung knew the truth you weren't as worried as you had been before. A gasp escaped from your mouth as you were taken by surprise and pulled onto the couch to sit with Taehyung.
He looked at you once more and gave you another kiss before placing his hand on your stomach and watching in awe, as he thought about what was to come next.

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