let you go | p.j

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The airport was a busy place, filled with busy people living busy lives and heading to their own respective places. It just so happened that you happened to be one of the few who wasn't as busy, which meant you could take your time to look around at everyone walking around you. It amazed you to see how many people lived here, how many people were constantly traveling It was like an entirely different world to you.
Your parents had moved from Seoul when you were at a very young age, and moved to America. You had been living in America and you had grown up learning to speak English and Korean, as your family didn't want you to forget where you were from and at some point they were planning on moving back to Seoul, they just weren't sure when.
Jiwon was one of the only other Korean people you knew in New York. The two of you had instantly bonded over the fact that you shared the same nationality and you became instant friends. You were excited to finally have someone you could talk to in your native language, and it seemed she was just as excited. The two of you would gossip all the time and you would find yourselves always getting into trouble.
When your best friend had told you she was going to visit her aunt and cousin, who lived in Busan, she invited you along. Your parents were more than excited to send you to your home country so you could experience what they had. They loved the idea and quickly sent you off with her, leading you to where you were now. Incheon International Airport was one of the busiest places you had ever been, defeating the busy airport in New York that you had left from.
Jiwon had told you that you would have to take a train to Busan from here, but it didn't bother you at all. The ride seemed like the perfect opportunity to talk to people and to get to know who everybody was. The entire trip was going by so fast already and you wondered how you would be able to spend three weeks here if you couldn't even get over your first day.
Your phone was out the entire time during the train ride, taking pictures and admiring everything around you. Millions of people past by you, and you wondered what they were doing with their lives, what had led them to this point. Everything was going by in a blur, and soon enough you were pulling up to Busan. When you got to the station, Jiwon and yourself quickly got off and you walked inside.
She was looking around for something and you couldn't figure out what. You were still amazed by everything going on around you and you quickly found yourself talking to strangers and learning about them. Jiwon always got annoyed at you for this as she just wanted to see he aunt and her cousin, but you were so immersed in everything your parents had told you.
You were taken by surprise as Jiwon wrapped her hand around your wrist and dragged you in the direction of two people you had never seen before. The first thing you noticed, was the boy with pink hair. It stood out so brightly and you couldn't help but smile at it. You wondered how he managed to have something like that and not get stared at for it.
"Aunty, Jimin." Jiwon greeted the people happily and they both pulled her in for quick hugs. Your eyes had been locked on the boy in front of you and you found him being the only thing on your mind. The rest of the airport seemed to disappear around the two of you as he pulled away from your best friend and smiled at you. "This is Y/N, she's the friend I said I was bringing."
You snapped out of your thoughts as you heard your name and a slight blush came over your cheeks as the pink haired boy smirked at you. He had obviously caught you staring at him and he thought it was funny that you were getting so flustered over it. You couldn't help the feeling of butterflies welling up in your chest as you shook his hand, and then shook his mothers hand.
"Jiwon, you forgot to tell us how beautiful your friend was." Jimin said, smiling at you once more. You giggled slightly, the nervous energy escaping you and pushing it's way out. Your friend stared at you for a second, never having seen you get nervous like this before and you didn't know what to make of it. There was something about having Jimin in front of you that caused you to feel more nervous than usual.
"Jimin, leave the poor girl alone. She doesn't need you flirting with her the entire trip." His mother spoke up, smacking her son lightly upside the head. Jimin couldn't help the sheepish grin that took over his lips and as you all headed to the parking lot, he couldn't keep his eyes from locking back on to your figure. There were three weeks before he had to let you go, and he would make the best of it.

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