Guilty thoughts

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"Cynthia where did you get all that money?"

"I earned it mum. I do have a job you know"

"You promise you didn't get it from something dodgy"

"Yes i promise mother"

"Do not patronise me Cynthia"

"Do not call me Cynthia, my name is CC"

"No your name is Cynthia"

I give up with trying to be honest if she is just going to be annoying. Sometimes i do feel guilty because sometimes she gets worried sick about where i am or what i am doing but i think she knows i am safe when im outside though. She does know that i am the leader of the most talked about gang in town. She says i need to get away from all of that but it is harder than she thinks.


Henry's POV

It was easy to find Racheal the next day at college and when she saw us walking towards her she tried to run away but i easily caught up with her......

"What do you want Henry"

"I know all about you"

"I don't know what your talking about!"

"You are part of the averagettes"

"How do you know that?"

"So it is true. There is one rule you never ever ever break. You never admit to anyone what gang you are part of"

"What do you want from me?"

"Where are the averagettes based?"

"I will never tell you. You either tell us or your join our gang. Your choice........"

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