Healing open wounds

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Henry's POV
I woke up at ten am the next morning and all I could think about was Cynthia. And about the fact that I had absolutely nothing to do all day apart from wait until Cynthia gets back from Weymouth so I can talk to her on Facebook for hours on end till I am practically falling asleep on the desk.
"I am going into town to buy a lot of new stuff for the house. Do you want to come"
"Yeah ok I won't be doing anything else today anyway"
"Hurry up the shops open in an hour and all the good shoes in Primark and gone within ten minutes!"
"I thought you wanted to buy stuff for the house?"
"What can't a mother pamper herself and her son?"
"Ok then"
She does make me laugh sometimes. Even though she is my mum I can relate her a lot and to be honest I have a lot more in common with her than I do with my dad. Probably because he is mostly away from home and when he is here he doesn't really show an interest in anything but his work. And I'm not going to lie, it hurts me and my mum.

This might sound weird but I really do love going out shopping with my mum because she knows what I like and what I don't like. I think my dad came on a shopping trip once but he just kept moaning the whole time because we we're apparently taking to long in each shop. Then he tells is to stop being impatient when we moan at him for spending two hours in the golf shop......


Cynthia's POV

Sometimes i give up finding something to do when i am bored. I know i am in Weymouth and normally there would be endless things to do but for me it just isn't the same. When i was about ten me, my mum and my dad went to Weymouth on holiday for a week, but that was the last holiday we had and going to Weymouth has not been the same since then. My mum can sense it too.

"Cynthia i know you wanted your dad to be here but he can't come home yet?"
"It is about time he spent time with his family instead of only caring about work. You know it to mum?"
"Oh Cynthia we have tried to talk to him about it but then it just caused more fights"
"Mum we should stick up for ourselves...."
"It is just not that easy"
"It is... your good at baking so why don't you open up a bakery..... that empty shop next to primark is only selling for £10,000 and we ain't exactly short of cash"
"I don't know your dad wouldn't like it......"
"Screw that mum! Just do something for you this time........"

When we got home we started researching and coming up with a business plan........ a few hours later mum had paid the money for the space and we started arranging decorators to come in a do the place up. 

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