Birthday preparations

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Considering he took a punch for me I want to do something special for Henry’s birthday even though we are having a very small joint party on my actual birthday but we have to do something on his actual birthday don’t we.

“Mum I still cannot think of anything me and Henry can do on his birthday.”

“Why don’t you ask him?”

“But then it will ruin the surprise!”

“Just ask him what his favourite thing to do is.”

“Ok then.”

I swear if he gets the idea that I am planning a surprise I will not be happy at all.



“What is your favourite thing to do?”


“Just curious really.....”

“Ummm ok. My favourite thing to do is have a family BBQ where we just stay happy the whole evening....... sorry that probably sounds really cringey.”

“No it doesn’t. So it is your birthday in exactly a month’s time......”

“Yep. I am actually looking forward to it this year.”

“Why didn’t you enjoy it last year?”

“My dad was away on business so only mum got me presents and we were just angry all day that my dad was away on my birthday.”

“Oh..... I’m scared that my dad will try to be there on my birthday.”

“Don’t worry I won’t let my dad or your dad anyway near this house and if they turn up we will just tell them to leave and if that doesn’t work we will jsut phone the police ok. Just don’t worry.”


Then I just walked back into the kitchen and carried on eating my cheerios. I wasn’t really concentrating on the food, I just kept trying to come up with an idea for Henry’s BBQ. To be honest a BBQ is just a BBQ and I feel like the idea needs something added onto it so it is like..... I don’t know really special. It is going to be his eighteenth afterall. There will be alot of alcohol but Henry is not the type of person to get drunk. Anyway there is always alcohol in the house over the summer holiday because well we just like to kick back and relax alot. Maybe there is a way that I can make the day extra special for him.........

There is those letters I have that he wrote for me but he told me not to read them unless I really have to but what if at his party, I end up feeling like I have to read them and what if those letters make me remember what I have forgotten because of the accident. there is an endless amount of possbilities in my life at the moment.


30 days later........

For the past thirty days I have had so much fun wth Henry. He took me to the beach twice and he took me shopping and just yesterday I decided to take him to see the last showing of Endless love. Bit awkward considering it was a movie about love and stuff but he wanted to go and watch so I went with him. 

When I started putting up birthday banners for the Henry’s birthday tomorrow he had a surprising amount of questions.

“Cynthia you haven’t planned anything huge have you?”

“No just for me you and my mum and your mum. Why?”

“I’m not good with huge parties.”

“That’s good considering our party won’tbe huge either.”

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