Damaged minds

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Cynthia's POV

I could hear someone coming through the front door and i was terrified that it was going to be more people like Ben. But then i heard his voice.........


"If you say a single word i will hurt you...."

I knew he was serious but i just couldn't hold it in.

"Henry help me!"

Just as i finished the sentence Ben grabbed my hair and yanked me up and as i screamed in pain he dragged me towards the stair case and stood at the bottom was Henry.


"It's ok Cynthia. Everything will be ok"

Police sirens were coming from down the street.

"Oh Henry that was big mistake....."

Then before i knew what was happening Ben shoved me forwards and i made contact with the first step.


Henry's POV

Everytime her body made contact with a step it broke my heart, When Cynthia made it to the bottom of the stairs she was led there... still. 

I sat there next to her body while the police dragged Ben out of the house......

"Cynthia...... it's me Henry"

I grabbed her hand in mine and squeezed it gently. Tears started streaming dwon my face and my mum just appeared next to me and hugged me.

"Cynthia please wake up! Please!"

"Henry they need to take her to the hospital......... let them take her"

I let go of her hand as the paramedics lifted her onto the stretcher. Before the ambulance had even had a chance to get down the road i was already on the way to the hospital.

But when i got there they wouldn't let me see her.

"Mum why won't they let me see her!"

"They need to find out if anything is wrong ok just give them time"

After three long agonising hours a doctor finally came to give us an update.... but first i had to wak up Cynthia's mum. Poor thing they found her unconscious in the boot of her own car... she is fine though.


"What is it?"

"The doctor wants to give us an update"

She jumped up just as the doctor walked in......

"Thankfully there are no bleeds on the brain.... she has a broken arm"

"Doctor just tell us the bad news please"

"I am sorry but Cynthia is in a coma. We do not know if she will wake up but we are giving a week and i'm sorry but if she isn't awake by then we have to turn the machines off"

Those words just jept going through my mind as everyone else around me broke down. 

'we don't know if she will wake up'  she could die....... Cynthia could die.


Five days have gone by now and Cynthia still has not woken up and i have not left her side... only to take a shower. Her mum has been here the whole time aswell..... if she wakes up we want to be here. Only two days left for her to wake up..........

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