The Averagettes

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In a history class at some point you would have been told about the sufragttes who fought for women to have the right to vote. My name is Cynthia and I am in a gang. An all girls gang and we have a bit of weird name. Most girl gangs would be called something like The Lipstick girls, or The groovy girls, but no my gang is called 'The Averagettes'. Our name is inspired by the sufragettes but we do things slightly differently... we do not do anything heroic...... what we do is dangerous, things that can get us put into jail for a very long time. Our gang is all about the warfare...... we have turf wars with other gangs...... and we always, always win..... without fail. 

That's why people are scared of us because if they are in a place that is ours... say our favourite table in the canteen, then they will either move when they see us or we make them move. The teachers are so scared of us that they let us get away with everything. We rule the school and we rule the town we live in. Obviously my gang members do not call me Cynthis! They call me CC for short. Some people may use a stereotype on people in gangs, not all gang members live on a council estate..... no one in my gang does.......

You are probably wondering why we are called 'The Averagettes'..... well you will find out when i want you to.


"Cynthia, are you still in that gang?"

"Mum.... my name is CC and yes i am still in that gang. But it is my gang and i am the leader"

"You are getting into too much trouble"

"We have never been caught mum......"

"You might get caught one day"

"No i will not get caught actually so can you please just drop the subject"

My gang has never been caught..... we are too good for that, we are all 17 years old and we have been a gang for five years and every single member has been trained from my experience. If they try and overthrow me then they are out and if they refuse then I will personally go after them.


"What mum!"

"Do your college work!"

"I already have"



I am no smart arse goody two shoes..... we all do our college work so no one ever gets on our backs. No one at college knows that we are 'The Averagettes' and the reason for that is we wear black masquerade masks. Yeah all the cliche gang members where balaclavas or halloween masks but we are all about originality.

I was watching Scream 2 when my phone rang...


"CC it's me Lauren"

"Yeah what do you want"

"I have a business proposal for us all"

"Ok we will discuss it tomorrow at lunchtime"

"Ok. See ya"

"Yeah see ya"

I wonder what the proposal will be this time.... i swear if she suggests we nick anymore designer hand bags from that really bad shop that has no alarms and no CCTV (that is a bit too convenient if you ask me) i will personally give her a slap around her flabby face.

Oh i almost forgot to tell you.... everytime we do a job etc. we leave our mark. In neon pink spray paint we write 'We are The Averagettes'.

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