That little bit between good and bad

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I was right about making this day a good day. I made my dad bring my xbox into the hospital and we took in turns playing on it. We ate junk food and we just joked around like one big family.... like a normal family.


“Yes Henry.”

“Have you apologised to mum yet?”



“She said she does not want to hear it.”

“Just give her time dad.”

“I know. That is the trouble with women sometimes. You never know how much time they need. You need to give Cynthia some time.... I know you might not have much time left but when that time comes she will be ready whether she likes it or not.”

“Speaking of Cynthia... where is she?”

“I have no idea actually. She probably just needed some air.”


But at the moment I was not so sure about Cynthia needing to go for air.


Cynthia’s POV

“Cynthia come back here now!”

“Mum no! I cannot cope with all of this.....”

“But if you leave now he will die unhappy! Do you want that?”

“Of course not!”

“Then get back in that hospital and stop being so childish. It isn’t just you that is going to lose him.”

I know it sounded like I was going to leave him but even if I had I would have come back. Everyone is finding it hard to cope with the fact that we are going to lose in Henry in a matter of weeks or even days. One of the hardest parts will be watching him slip away and the second hardest bit will saying good bye to him all over again at the funeral and I will have to read a speech.

I walked back into that hospital and as soon as I saw Henry I just started to cry out of guilt that I almost left him when he needed me most.

“Cynthia what’s wrong?”

“I am sorry I just needed to get out for a bit. I am still finding it hard to cope Henry.”

“Shhhh don’t worry. It will get easier......”

“I hope it does.”

“It will. I promise you that Cynthia and at the moment that is the only promise I can keep without accidentally breaking it.”

At around 5pm Henry fell asleep and I just sat in the chair next to his bed and watched him sleep and when I heard foot prints behind me I assumed it was my mum so I looked up. But instead I saw Henry’s dad. For some reason I found myself grilling him with about a billion questions.....

“Are you staying for good?”


“Are you still sleeping with Lauren/”


“Good and if you ever hurt Henry ever again you will have me to deal with.”

“In the emails Henry sent me he always talked about you. He always said how much of ana amzing and caring person you are. Wow how right was he. Look Cynthia if I had known about the cancer five months ago I would have never did what I did..... there is no excuse for what I did but no matter how many dumb things I do Henry will still be my son and I will always care about him.”

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