At wits end

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Henry's POV

"I really thought she was genuine mum"

"Oh Henry not every girl is perfect"

"She was perfect to me but she just spoke to me like I wasn't there."

"It is her loss sweet heart"

"But I don't know what to do because I still like her sort of"

"Have you tried talking to her?"

"Yes but it didn't work"

"Then try again. If there is one thing I have taught you kids is that you should never give up"

"Ok thanks mum"

I could try talking to her again but chances are she will throw a rock at me or something..... yeah she is just that type of person. Don't get wrong I like being called Henry but I like to be called H by the lads so I don't sound as posh. But I don't get why Cynthia insists on being called CC, I think Cynthia is an amazing name and it suits her more than she thinks it does.

In a way she is way out my league, I mean I am just a nobody that hardly gets noticed at school and is the leader of a gang that just lost a fight against a bunch of girls. But she is a popular girl at school that just won a fight against a bunch of boys, and she is the leader of a very powerful gang....... she told she isn't the leader but I know she was telling a lie. When it comes to Cynthia right now I am at my wits end.

Cynthia's POV

I am not always a bad person. I can be nice when I want to be..... I am mostly a nice person when there is something I want. That is how I became the leader of a gang and that is why I started up the averagettes.... because I can always get what I want when I want it.

"CC I think we need to talk"

"What about this time Lauren?"

"You broke five rules yesterday"

"Yeah so?"

"Rules that you created"

"And your point is"

"If it was one of us that broke the rules we would have been kicked out the gang"

"Are you trying to overthrow me!"

"No.... we just think it isn't fair"

"Fine I promise I will never ever break the rules again"


"I just said I promise didn't I!"

"I guess so..."

"No get back to work.... we have to much to do to be slacking around!"

You have to guide other people because otherwise nothing will get done. It is like our health and social care teacher. She is always telling us to stick to deadlines because if we don't we will never get any of the work done.

When I got home that night I did my homework as usual...... ewww I swear I am becoming allergic to homework or something. I then logged on to my facebook account and I had like five messages.... four of them were from the girls.... and the other one was from Henry of all people.

What the hell does that creep want now?

Hi Cynthia can we please just talk about things.

I am going to enjoy winding him up.

Look weirdo there is nothing to talk about!

There clearly is Cynthia. Did you use me the whole time just to get your own way?

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