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Henry's POV

"Look Racheal we will let you go. Just tell us where the averagettes are"

"No. That is the one rule i will never break. And i have dirt on you anyway"

"Oh yeah like what!"

"Your the leader of the dark clowns"

"How do you know that"

"Oh come on Henry it is obvious. The averagettes are the enemy of the dark clowns and you want to know where my gang hangs out. You gave yourself away idiot"

Damn i didn't think about that...........

"Now let me go and i won't tell the others about our little chat"

"Fine but tell your mates that my gang will take them out first"

"And we accept that challenge"


Cynthia's POV

"Rach i cannot belive you told them that your in my gang!"

"I did not actually tell them...... somehow they knew. But i did find out something interesting"


"Henry is the leader of the dark clowns and George is with him"

"Now that i think about it george was sat near you when we discussed the job Racheal"

"I know that isn't good but at least we have some sort of advantage over them now don't we"

"i guess but we have to be more careful now.

If Henry knows Racheal is in the averagettes that means him and his gang will be keeping an eye on her from now on to try and find me. The leader.

I am not scared to be honest because i know for a fact that i will win the fight. My gang has never ever lost a fight and that will never ever happen.  I will never give up what i built up........ i will never even risk it for a boy.... especially not a boy from the dark clowns. Boys from that gang are vermin and they are and always will be our enemies. 



"We only have four days left and we haven't got a plan."

"That's the point"

"What do you mean?"

"We know where they are based right...... so we strike them there. If we wear our masks they won't recognise us. That is the best chance we have..... we have to win this fight before they can find out who i am. Because if they know who the leader is the whole gang will fall apart."


"Have you gotten anymore girls for our gang yet........."


"Fine go to the all girls school down the road and wear you mask and get some people. And not really scrawny ones ok"

"Ok got it"


When she came back she had gotten some really good potential candidates. Lauren is always good at the recruiting side of things. 

"Ok ladies. Being in the averagettes is everything. You get protetion. You must always wear your mask when your are out on a job. Now a few ground rules. Never beytray the gang. Never tell anyone who is in the gang. Never tell anyone that you are in the gang. Do not mess up a job. Always clean up everything up after a job and remain untraceable and most importantly do not get caught. In four days we are fighting against the dark clowns........ and we must win. So if you are a scared little girl then get out of my sight now."

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