Mind games

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Cynthia's POV

For like the fifth time today I logged onto my facebook and looked to see if Henry was online and surprise, surprise he was.

So I immediately types out a message.

'Hey Henry can we talk?'

After ten minutes he replied.

'Talk about what'

'I wanted to say I am sorry and if you want we can hang out sometime'

'Cynthia why are you doing this?'

'Henry look I realized what I did was wrong and now I want to make it up to you'

'Fine so when do you want to hang out'

'I need to go to town tomorrow to get some stuff, you want to come?'

'Sure why not? See you tomorrow'

And then he went offline...

Now my plan is in full swing but the problem is the girls can't know about it because I am technically breaking the rules again but who give a toss. I created the rules anyway so I has the right to change them or break them as much as I want and anyway I am doing it for the sake of the gang and they should all be great full.


Henry's POV

I walked down the stairs and into the kitchen and when my mum looked up she immediately noticed my change in mood.

"So Henry what are you so happy about"

"Cynthia messaged me on Facebook"


"And she wants to hang out with me in town tomorrow. Oh and she also apologized for being such a horrible turd bag"

"That's good but keep an eye on her Henry because she is obviously good at messing with people's heads"

"Mum I will not fall for her mind games again ok so be calm"

"Your my son I am supposed to be worried all the time"

"So when is dad getting back from his business trip?"

"Tomorrow hopefully"

"But he has already been gone for almost two weeks"

"I know but you know how it is darling"

"At least we have each other mum"

"I know you wish your dad could be home more often but it just won't be happening anytime soon."

"I know, I know. What's for tea then?"

"Your favorite, papa luigis pizza plus chicken wings, potato wedges and coke and then Ben and Jerry's baked Alaska for dessert"

"You just can't be bothered to cook today can you?"

"Yeah I just can't be bothered to cook but also I think you deserve a treat"

"Mum I think I am going to sort my social life out if"

"Whatever you want sweet heart. Now you stick a film on while I order the food"


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