Birthday preparations part two

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However the next morning I found out why Henry wants to wait for me before he dates me......

"Henry what did you mean by you want to wait for me before you date me."

"I want us to fully know each other before we even try and date each other."

"But why?"

"So nothing can go wrong."

"Oh ok that makes sense."

That was kind of a lie because in reality it really did not make sense at all.

"So Cynthia it is your birthday in four days... what do you have planned for that morning?"

"Nice try Henry but I am not going to tell you."


"Because it will ruin the surprise wouldn't it."

"I have already wrapped your present."

"Have you now?"

"Yes I have and I want to give it to you now but then it will ruin the surprise.."

"Henry don't be annoying."

"Sorry it's a habit."

"What like biting your nails?"

"I don't do that!"

"You used to....."

"How do you know that? I haven't bit my nails since primary school."

"Fine if you must know I may have ha a crush on you in primary school."

"Then why didn't you say anything?"

"You were popular in primary school so you barely knew who I was..."

"You barely knew who I was...."

"The point is Henry I remember you from the past and some of those memories are things I want to hold on to because they mean that much to me. It is the only thing I had of you before I got to know you again."

"I know. Cheer up ok."

"Ok then what shall we do today?"

"I don't know what do you want to do?"

"I want to go to town today. See if there is anything I want to buy."

"Ok let's go then."


I grabbed my bag and he grabbed his wallet and we got into his car and drove to the town centre. We parked in the car park and walked into the shopping centre and for some reason I had that feeling where you think something good is going to happen that day.

As we walked down the corridor of the ground floor we saw Lauren and Rachel stood outside top shop.

"Cynthia just ignore them."


And it worked, we walked right past them as if we hadn't seen them and they just looked at us the whole time as if they were waiting for us to notice them.

"Wow Henry it worked."

"Yeah but the next time they see us today they will come up to us to make us notice them."

"Then we can just tell them to stay away from us."

"That's the plan. Where do you want to go first?"

"Let's go to GAME to see if they have anything interesting to play."

We walked into GAME and looked at all of the shelves.

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