Family feuds

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Sometimes being in love with someone can be painful. That is what it’s like being in love with Cynthia.... it is painful to see her staring at her father who has been gone for four months without calling them once. It’s hurts to know that I am unable to do anything about it..... sometimes I feel so useless even though I know I’m not.

“Come on Cynthia I am your dad. You will have to speak sometime.”

“No I have nothing to say to you. Where the hell have you been! You have been gone for four months... and you didn’t call once!”

“I was busy...”

“What to busy to call YOUR family.”

“Well what do you expect Cynthia! It is boring around here.”

“Yeah because you made it boring......”

“It is hell living here!”

“NO DAD! You made it hell! You ignore us.. you make our lives hell. You never let mum follow her dreams because of your sexist views!”

“DO not talk to me like that young lady.”

He stepped forward and lifted his hand........ I knew he was about to hit her so I ran forwards and got in the way..... and then I felt his fist make contact with the right side of my face. As I fell to the floor her dad stood there in shock and Cynthia was already screaming at him.

“Get away from me! I never want to see you again! Just get out!”

“Cynthia I didn’t mean to.....”

But before he could finish his sentence Fran stepped in.

“No Luke! You always say you didn’t mean it but you did now just leave before I have you charged for assault!”

He didn’t say anything... he just picked up his suitcase and walked out of the door and slammed it behind him.

“Henry are you ok.” I turned around to see Cynthia sat next to me on the floor with tears in her eyes.

“Yeah I am fine. He didn’t hit me hard enough to leave a bruise...... Cynthia please don’t cry.”

“Now you know why we have been so scared of him.”

“Wait what.... has he hit you two before.”

“Yes.......... we have tried to get him charged before but the thing is he has the best lawyer in the country....”

“Shhhh don’t worry he is gone now. Fran are you ok...”

“I am now. Henry if you hadn’t been here I have no idea what he would have done to poor Cynthia.... thank you.”

“I would hate to see Cynthia get hurt... so I got in the way.”


Cynthia was still upset about the whole experience two hours later so I decided that I would talk to her about it so she can get everything off her chest.



“Are you ok?”

“Yeah. I guess so.”

“No your not..... want to talk about it...”

She paused for a second and started to laugh and even I must have looked confused.

“What’s so funny?”

“I was about to say you won’t understand but you kind of do....”

“I guess I do.”

“So do you want to talk about it or not?”

“Yeah I’d like that.”

“Good. So when did the abuse start...”

“He never you know....”


“But it started when I was fifteen. He came home drunk one day and hit my mum. He started doing it when he was sober and when I was sixteen I decided to get in the way. Before that he ignored us completely and that started when I was eleven. He never told ud what we did to deserve it.”

“You do not deserve it. He is just a horrible man and you and your mum are safe now.”

“Thanks Henry... how’s your mum.”

“She is coming round later and when she spots the red mark on my face she will hit the roof.”

“Hit the roof about what Henry....” I turn around and my mum is stood behind me.

“Cynthia’s dad hit me...”


“Mum cool it! He was going to hit Cynthia so I got in the way. He has been beating them mum.”

“Then we should phone the police.”

“He won’t get charged he has the best lawyer in the country.”

“Well are you all ok now.”

“Yes. He didn’t hit me hard enough to do any damage.”

“I swear to god if I ever get my hands on that pig of a man.”

“Mum please do not go after him. He is a dangerous person and if you get hurt I will never forgive myself. Now just sit down and have some tea ok.”

“Ok...... if he touches any of you again I will go after him. And that is a promise.”

“Mum please do not turn into super mum.”

“It is my job to turn into super mum.”

She does make me laugh sometimes. She does need to tone down things a little bit, I know she means well but sometimes her actiona could get her into trouble. Now I sound like a hypocrite.... it is only because I care..... I got that feature from my mum anyway. 

I am more like my mum when I think about it, I didn’t get any of my feautures from my dad and I am glad I didn’t because if I was like my dad I would have become a cheating, egotistical sexist pig by now.

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