Sweet and spice and everything nice

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Henry's POV

On Friday morning I decided to go and see Cynthia. I drove the two miles to her house and when she answered the door she looked weirdly happy to see me.

"Hi Henry"

"Hi. How are you?"

"I'm good. Come in"

I walked through the kitchen and into the living room and there was pieces of paper and folders everywhere.

"Wow you guys have been busy"

"Mum has decided to open her own bakery"

"Wow that is amazing! How long have you wanted to open a bakery?"

"A few years but Cynthia was the one that wanted me to do it......"

"Fran why do you look so worried"

Cynthia answered for her, which I understand because Fran looks really uneasy.

"My dad has always had this view that it should be the husband that works. He will not like the fact that my mother is and independent woman"

"Look Fran I know it is not my place to say this. But he has no right to control you the way he does. I know I have never met him but he doesn't sound like a loving husband, and father for that matter"

"I know I shouldn't let it carry on but if we leave he will cut off the funds"

"You won't need his money if your business goes well. Anyway you have already bought the space and paid the decorators and everything. If you ever want to leave my me and my mum will be happy to take you in"

"Thanks, Henry that means a lot"

"Henry I bet I can beat you at monopoly"

"Your on!"


After playing monopoly for about an hour Cynthia told me some things that I never thought I would ever hear.

"You know she likes you..."


"My mum she likes it when you are here"

"I like being here. You should come over to my house tomorrow. My mum wants to meet you."


"I kind of talk about you a lot. In a good way"

"Ok then I will"

"Will what?"

"Come and meet your mum. What is she like?"

"She is like me"

"That's good then"

"I'm winning already"

"Just you wait, I will land on Mayfair on my next roll"

And she wasn't wrong. When she landed on Mayfair she laughed in my face and I just laughed back.

"I told you!"

"Yay queen Cynthia lands on the most expensive space..... Shall I get your Corgi's. Philip get the Corgi's!"

"Shut up Poshy!"

"Make me hahahahahahaha!"

After another two hours Cynthia had won monopoly and now we were just sat on the tree swing talking about our lives.

"So Henry what was it about gangs that interested you?"

"The social security. I think it was just because my dad was always away from home so I found my own way to cope. What interested you?"

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